no LEG-workout possible - more of other ?


New Member
hi there,

first of all: sorry for my english, i am from austria

i am not able to train my legs, because of
2 bad injuries.

can/should i split the 'legs'-sets into the other muscle-groups ?

e.g not doing 2 sets for chest, but 4,
not doing 2 sets for back, but 4,
not doing 1 set for bicesps, but 2, and so on.........

is this a problem in hst ?

regards, Martin
What kind of injuries prevent you from training legs?

If you can't squat or deadlift there are other options.

Leg extensions, leg curls, trap bar deads...

If leg training is simply impossible, I would just do the other workouts the normal HST way, no need to double up.
(vagrant @ Jan. 22 2007,14:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What kind of injuries prevent you from training legs?

If you can't squat or deadlift there are other options.

Leg extensions, leg curls, trap bar deads...

If leg training is simply impossible, I would just do the other workouts the normal HST way, no need to double up.</div>
it IS impossible to train. i don't know the english word for my injuries, so it is difficult to explain. but it has to do with my knees, so EVERY leg-exercise is impossible.

well okay, with VERY VERY LOW weight, but this brings me to nothing.

so there will be no leg-workout. i am used to it for 3 years now (in a 'normal' split-workout).

but with hst it means that i will be finished with workout in 30 minutes or so. and that is not very much workout.
30 mins w/ no lower body is probably along the lines of a 45+ minute workout with lower body. I'm not sure what volume you're used to, but that's not so bad. if I could work out less and see gains, I certainly would.
(terp @ Jan. 22 2007,15:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">30 mins w/ no lower body is probably along the lines of a 45+ minute workout with lower body.  I'm not sure what volume you're used to, but that's not so bad.  if I could work out less and see gains, I certainly would.</div>
i am used to a HIGH volume for many years now !

so i am a little bit 'scared' about hst, because i think it is not very high will there be any gain ?
Well I guess squats, sldl, and deadlift is out then.

You can get a very good workout for your upper body anyway.

I'd suggest this for your situation:

Back hyperextension (to sort of replace deadlift)
Overhead Press
Pullup (or lat pulldown)
BB curls
Skull Crushers or tricep pushdown

If your knees can handle it kneeling cable crunches.

If not...standing cable crunches.

Do 1x15 for 2 weeks, 2x10 for 2 weeks, 3x5 for 2 weeks then do negatives or extend the 5's.

If this isn't enough volume (and I think you will be suprised) then next cycle do 2x15, 3x10, and 5x5...
(smartin999 @ Jan. 22 2007,14:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hi there,

first of all: sorry for my english, i am from austria
No need to apologize for your English - you're easier to understand than most people who use English as a first language!
(vagrant @ Jan. 22 2007,16:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Well I guess squats, sldl, and deadlift is out then.

You can get a very good workout for your upper body anyway.

I'd suggest this for your situation:

Back hyperextension (to sort of replace deadlift)
Overhead Press
Pullup (or lat pulldown)
BB curls
Skull Crushers or tricep pushdown

If your knees can handle it kneeling cable crunches.

If not...standing cable crunches.

Do 1x15 for 2 weeks, 2x10 for 2 weeks, 3x5 for 2 weeks then do negatives or extend the 5's.  

If this isn't enough volume (and I think you will be suprised) then next cycle do 2x15, 3x10, and 5x5...</div>
so 1(!!!)X15's means 7 (in words: SEVEN) sets for the first 2 weeks ? did i get this right ? you talked about 7 exercises i should perform.

this i can do in 20 minutes, this is not very effective.

so i am just confused about 'classic hst'

He is saying that you do one set of fifteen reps for each exersize. If that's not enough volume, you can do two sets; I usually do.
Then it's two sets of ten reps and so on. One thing you want to avoid is doing too much for a muscle. Better to hit it hard and short than endless sets, and your upper body muscles are still under the same rules if you don't use your legs. But you will have more energy for the workouts.

An idea occurs to me that most bodybuilders think is garbage, but in your case it may help. The use of an electrostimulator for the leg muscles. I think it could at least be better than doing nothing at all.
(quadancer @ Jan. 22 2007,17:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">He is saying that you do one set of fifteen reps for each exersize. If that's not enough volume, you can do two sets; I usually do.
Then it's two sets of ten reps and so on. One thing you want to avoid is doing too much for a muscle. Better to hit it hard and short than endless sets, and your upper body muscles are still under the same rules if you don't use your legs. But you will have more energy for the workouts.

An idea occurs to me that most bodybuilders think is garbage, but in your case it may help. The use of an electrostimulator for the leg muscles. I think it could at least be better than doing nothing at all.</div>
well, it is a problem with the legs........because i like my upper body right now.

i do a lot of cycling and power-walking, so from cardio my legs are not that 'thin', they are okay. but not as massive as they should/could be when doing hard leg-workouts
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">so i am a little bit 'scared' about hst, because i think it is not very high will there be any gain ? </div>

You should SD for at least 2 weeks, if you have been doing split training for a few years, that way your gains will come.

As for your legs, little weight is better than no weight
, and the HST program works by slowly increasing weight, surely if you can start light then you can progress at least a little, if not then suggestions for workouts are already on this thread!
(quadancer @ Jan. 22 2007,17:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">One thing you want to avoid is doing too much for a muscle. .</div>
Correct me if I am wrong.

But can you do to much for a muscle?

I thought overtraining is all CNS related?

I don't know???

I could see both sides of the coin on this one.

For example....a (CRAZY example )

But if you do chest back shoulder and legs all for 3 sets of 10 then you get 12 total sets.

Well say in theory you just want to do Chest and Back...can you still do 12 sets per workout 3 times a week?

6 for back and 6 for chest?

I wouldn't think so....but if overtraining is CNS related then in theory maybe you could???
Okay, CNS; you got me there. But you get me to thinking: of course six sets is six sets regardless...BUT...if you removed the legwork, then you would obviously have more energy for the upper body work...less CNS stress going on overall, so perhaps you could safely go from your 3 sets per part to four or five without overtraining. But I doubt that anyone could go to six and stay with it.
Or perhaps the rule of stress still applies and even four sets would be too much regardless, if the 3 sets were optimal for you. Hmmm.
Yeah...I mean even if you could do 6 sets it may or may not be optimal?

However Over at lyles board I have seen some specialization program showing 15 sets a week for lagging bodyparts and lower volume with the rest of the body.

So theoretically maybe it can be done with 3 days a week training.

Hence 15 sets would be 5, 5, 5 three times a week were with lyles upper lower split its more like 8 sets on monday and 7 or 8 sets ot Thursday with two rest days inbetween.

Im just curious if it could be done???

Maybe some of the other guys can add to this?
Also to add to my above statement maybe you could do 6 sets with a typical bodybuilder approach of say a 70% load.

So if this is possible you would do this during a light phase of 10's.

I wouldn't think it would be do able or optimal for the 5 rep range.

Simply too much fatigue.

However one approach if you wanted to try would maybe look like 3 sets of to 8 reps for maximum MU recruitment of muscle fibers and then maybe add 3 sets of metabolic work.

However the more I think about this is most likely just not do able on 3 days a week.

The only way I think you could approach a 15 to 18 set of 10's in one week would be if you did upper lower split with as much recover time as possible between workouts.

Hell who knows this is all a What if...that I would never try!
hi there,

i have my first 2 workouts in the 15's behind me and it looks the following now:

3 sets chest
3 sets back
2 sets bic
2 sets tri
2 sets shoulder

2 sets VERY careful legs..... because of my injuries.

time for workout is about 50-55 minutes, and i think i found the right 'middleway'.