no muscle sore


New Member
Hi guys,
Saturday I'll have my 3d HST workout (3d workout of the 1st week of 15MR). I do 2 set for every exercise. Until now I feel really low muscle sore, almost nothing. It's normal or I'm doing something wrong? During reps I feel a light "burn" in muscles but the next day nothing more.
I have to say that before I started with HST my muscles were well trained with the "normal workout" (one day chest & bis, 2nd day legs & shoulder, 3d day back & tris). Maybe this is the reason why I don't feel so much sore.
What is the opinion of the HST experts?
Thanks for your help.
We often refer to muscles soreness as DOMS -- Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It is a fact of life, a normal part of weight lifting. However, things like "burn" and muscle soreness don't mean much in terms of either strength or growth.

Be grateful that you are not sore. Perhaps other times you will be.
Hi guys,
Saturday I'll have my 3d HST workout (3d workout of the 1st week of 15MR). I do 2 set for every exercise. Until now I feel really low muscle sore, almost nothing. It's normal or I'm doing something wrong? During reps I feel a light "burn" in muscles but the next day nothing more.
I have to say that before I started with HST my muscles were well trained with the "normal workout" (one day chest & bis, 2nd day legs & shoulder, 3d day back & tris). Maybe this is the reason why I don't feel so much sore.
What is the opinion of the HST experts?
Thanks for your help.

If you make it all the way through your 10s without feeling any stiffness/soreness at all, I'd suggest you increase the volume.
Thank you very much guys for both your answers. I'll try to do 3 sets of 10MR next week so I have the same volume as the 15MR's. I guess then it'll be hard to keep the same volume for the 5MR's, it would be 6 sets of 5 reps. What would be the best volume for not affecting in a bad way muscle growth?
Thank you very much guys for both your answers. I'll try to do 3 sets of 10MR next week so I have the same volume as the 15MR's. I guess then it'll be hard to keep the same volume for the 5MR's, it would be 6 sets of 5 reps. What would be the best volume for not affecting in a bad way muscle growth?

You might want to wait and see how you feel. Don't commit to adding volume quite yet. The weight will go up during the 10s, maybe the increase intensity will make a difference. You shouldn't necessarily be sore after every workout, but you should feel like you worked your muscles. For me, I feel a bit of a stiffness more than soreness.

If you feel like you aren't getting enough stimulation, but don't have time to do 6 sets of 5 reps or 3 sets of 10 reps - you could try clustering or myo-reps. I'm doing this a bit now and it has made a big difference. Do a set of 10, rack the bar, wait about 5 - 10 seconds and do 3 more reps; then wait another 5 - 10 seconds and do 2 more reps; then rest. Do that twice and you have 30 reps for that exercise. It's tough, but it works and it keeps your session time down.
The fact that as you say your muscles are already "well trained" may be why you're not getting DOMS. It may take a bit more to achieve this than most though I don't place as much stock in getting sore as I do in getting "tight". After about three to four weeks into a cycle, my muscles feel hard and pumped all day long.

I would take a look at your performance during exercise. Make sure that your movements are steady and under control, and don't pause at the top or bottom of reps. Some like a two-count up and a four-count down, and from my reading a good set should take at least thirty seconds, but I think longer is better. Mine are between 45 and 60 seconds. Use a stopwatch if you can. If you've been cheating or being a little sloppy, use a lighter weight and go super strict focusing on keeping the working muscle contracted throughout the set. I guarantee you will be sore.
Thank you very much guys for your helpful hints. I'll see how I feel during the 10s next week.
I have a question about cardio in the HST days off.
MON: low intensity running 30'-45'
WED: low intensity running 30'-45'
FRI: low intensity running 30' - 45'
SUN: rest
During cardio until now I feel well, but I have no idea if it could "damage" or "slow down" muscle growth. I'm doing too much? What's your advice?
Thanks for your time.
Thank you very much guys for your helpful hints. I'll see how I feel during the 10s next week.
I have a question about cardio in the HST days off.
MON: low intensity running 30'-45'
WED: low intensity running 30'-45'
FRI: low intensity running 30' - 45'
SUN: rest
During cardio until now I feel well, but I have no idea if it could "damage" or "slow down" muscle growth. I'm doing too much? What's your advice?
Thanks for your time.

You'll grow as long as you stay in a caloric surplus.
Doing anything besides rest on non-training days is going to eat up some of the calories you are taking in. Low intensity cardio won't make a huge impact, though.
Recovery: some people recover better with some low intensity cardio between workouts - some don't. It could affect your recovery, but you'll just have to find that out for yourself. If you are used to running a lot, it probably won't. If you feel fine and ready for the next session every time, it's not an issue for you.
I was hitting cardio every other day for the 1st 4 weeks. Now that the weights are getting heavier, I'm cutting it down to twice a week or less - depending on how my body feels. This week, I needed some extra rest so I haven't done any cardio.