Noob checking in!( plus Critique )


New Member
Hello to all.
1st off I'm not new to the gym but after 4yrs i'll be starting my 2nd HST cycle. I have forgotten how to do an HST cycle but re-read the instructions and heres what i came up with:

1. Keep it simple:
Monday: Dips,chins,squats,bent rows
Wednesday: Bench,Deads, Military Press
Friday: Dips,chins,squats,bent rows

Q #1 Hows that look? Please critique.

Q#2 Problem.My gym does not have a freeweight barbel, only a smith machine. ( i know) this gym is the ONLY one in my area.
Can i make the deads and squats work on this even though its not ideal?

Goals and stats:

Goal : Add mass w/o getting too fat. (2500-3000 cal a day)
Stats: 32yrs old, 165lbs, 5'9"
200lb + bench,ok deads, weak squats, and military press,,and pull ups.
Really need to work on back developement and leg development. Pressing movements are strong i feel,lower back pretty good too. Pulling movements weak and have been neglected. Squats weak as well.
Any suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!
Thank You in advance.
(sprinklerman @ Aug. 01 2008,3:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1. Keep it simple:
     Monday: Dips,chins,squats,bent rows
     Wednesday: Bench,Deads, Military Press
     Friday: Dips,chins,squats,bent rows

Q #1 Hows that look? Please critique.

Q#2 Problem.My gym does not have a freeweight barbel, only a smith machine. ( i know) this gym is the ONLY one in my area.
 Can i make the deads and squats work on this even though its not ideal?</div>
I think what you have is pretty good but I'd make a few adjustments and do something like this:

Monday: Squats, Dips, Bent Rows, Military Press
Wednesday: Deads, Bench, Chins, Upright Rows
Friday: Squats, Dips, Bent Rows, Military Press

Monday: Squats, Bench, Chins, Upright Rows
Wednesday: Deads, Dips, Bent Rows, Military Press
Friday: Squats, Bench, Chins, Upright Rows

Ie. Only, chest, back and shoulder exercises alternated.

Do your heavy lifts first when you are freshest (always been my preference but you might like to do things another way); one back, one chest and one shoulder compound each session. Do chest work before shoulder work as the other way around will compromise the loads you can use for your chest. Sticking a back exercise in between the two allows for some recovery time.

Some Smith machines are better than others in that some allow the bar to also move in the sagittal plane (longitudinal, anteroposterior plane, I think?). That can make for a more natural body movement. If that's what you have access to then great. Otherwise, be a bit careful when using it for squats. Listen to your body; if the movement feels awkward then it probably means you should adjust your form.

A heavy deadlift should see the bar lifted almost vertically so that might not be as awkward as squatting in a Smith machine. However, I suspect that there is always some anteroposterior movement of the bar so you'll need to be careful with deads too.
Oh my goodness!
I just got back from finding all my RM's for the military press ,rows and Squats! wheew.
The squats just about killed me!!

If you can do max effort squats w/o making some pretty strange straining noises,,you are one bad man!

I'm going to SD for awhile then get too it.
Thanks for the help!
Hey, just checking in with an update. I could use some tips on squat form on a smith machine. (meh)
 I saw a video of a Mark Rippitoe? &lt;spelling&gt; doing squats and i'm trying to immitate that form on this machine,is that ok?
 Also , i'd like to post a couple &quot;before&quot; pix for the members here to critique and then comment on the progress. If this is not allowed, please dont ban me from the forum.... too much quality info here.  
another question...
I dont like squating wit hthe smith machine. Would it be ok to use an ez-curl bar at least during the 15's and 10's since the weights arent too heavy?
Or would sticking with the smith machine be better?
Thanks for any input.
never done them on a smith,but have seen them done by other guys.

they tend to stand just infront of the bar and it looks more like a hack squat.

you could try front squats.
(sprinklerman @ Aug. 14 2008,11:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">another question...
I dont like squating wit hthe smith machine. Would it be ok to use an ez-curl bar at least during the 15's and 10's since the weights arent too heavy?
Or would sticking with the smith machine be better?
             Thanks for any input.</div>
Smithmachine squats are productive and can be done hack style or front squats or whatever. You just have to find your groove. I am betting that you can load more weight onto the smith machine than you could that knurling bar. Good! Cause you are going to need it.

Step one: Put big honking plates on the bar ends until you think you might cry mommy when liftining it.

Step two: Visualize your self exploding out of the low end of the squat like a spring uncoiling. The bar just lifting.

Step three: Get under that bar and center up! Take hold of the bar with your hands at your shoulder caps width. The bar should lay across yours traps not your neck. Now all them shrugs you been doin are your friends.

Step Four: Adjust your feet to make the best possible base for the lift. Shoulder width and wider are better for maximal effort. A big gut means you better go wide and sumo style widths can arguably give you leverage advantages. Since the smith machine tracks along a fixed path, place your feet a few inches in front of the path so that you are leaning back slightly against the weight. Point your toes out but still along track with your knees. Back is straight and stomach tight.

Step Five: Press into the ground with your feet and accept the weight. Breathe deeply a few breaths and imagine the weight exploding up when you hit the bottom.

Step Six: Lower the weight down with your leg power as you inhale a mighty breath, past parallel until you feel a nice burning stretch in your thighs.

Step Seven: Drive your heels into the ground again but with all you have in you this time. Explode all of that stretched energy in your legs upwards against the weight. Back is straight, hips pulling, hamstrings straining upwards to errect the master of a new RP!