Not Competition Prep, BEACH PREP!


New Member
I am visiting my parents in Florida for a week (leaving tomorrow night) and am thinking it is time to experiment to see what will make me look my best on the beach!

I am currently cutting so my glycogen levels are low. So my goal is to stop my cut, enjoy vacation, and increase the metabolism a bit by adding in carbs for a caloric surplus.

To look my best I will want to saturate my muscles with glycogen as much as possible. Here is my planned routine while down there:

Bench - 3 sets @ 15reps
Deads - 3 sets @ 20reps
Pullups - 3 sets @ 15reps
Dips - 3 sets @ 15reps
Leg Press - 3 sets @ 25reps
DB Curls - 3 sets @ 12reps
Tri Ext. - 3 sets @ 12reps

Of course this would have to be done at a much lighter weight than I have been doing while cutting, but that should be ok since I will be in a caloric surplus for the week.

Diet will be somewhat carefree (I'm on vacation afterall), just making sure I eat plenty of protein and keeping in the caloric surplus.

Post workout diabetes shake will be:
40g whey
80g some form of sugar

Anyone have any suggestions on how to look ones best on the beach?
If I were going to work out on a vacation, which I would normally not do but visiting parents does not really qualify as a vacation, I'd skip the last 3 exercises and maybe switch BP's to MP's.
You have only one day until you leave for vacation....why bother? No matter what you do you won't look much different at all.
I should clarify...

I'll be working out ON vacation. My Dad owns a gym by their house and as OG said, I am visiting my parents so it isn't a true vacation.

I am thinking 4-5 days strait of the above routine + some carb loading should help with my deflated look due to cutting, right? Of course the first day on the beach won't be of any noticeable difference, but maybe the last 2 days there will be?...

OG, I can't do MP right now due to a reoccurring shoulder injury.
No he retired at about 52 (was in insurance prior) and joined the gym when he moved to FL.  

Later he became an investor and then bought it outright, as he was scared of losing the initial investment.

He is the type that can't sit still...Owning a gym has really helped his physique and overall health though!

He looks better than anyone else I know at 54 years old!  (of course I have never seen any of your pics OG)

So what do you think will a week of high volume inflate me a bit?