Not doing full range of motion


New Member
I got a friend of mine...who's actually a pretty big guy...but he's been working out FOREVER...I mean over a decade religiously. He lifts an ENORMOUS amount of weight, but he will only do a small range of motion. For instance, on the bench press, he will only go halfway down. On standing bb curls, he will only bring his arms halfway up, etc.

He says full range is a waste of time/energy and that you will be better off just focusing on a smaller range. Is there any benefit to this or is he just doing a smaller range of motion so he can stack on more weight and show off?
Your friend is an idiot. Partials have their place, but to only do partials is just dumb. Oh, and he's asking for an injury.
Bump to Tot. As a rule. However, having ripped my elbows with heavy preacher curls (and a LOT of other BB'ers have too) I've struggled with medial epicondilitis (golfer's elbow, although I can't imagine why a golfer And there are two cures.
One, you stop doing what injured the elbow. Not gonna happen.
Two, you stop short of the full ROM at the extension end. Between that and the easier joint loads of HST, I'm actually lifting the weight that hurt me and more, without problems. And for working that lower ROM spot, I just do a small burn set now and then with light DB's, going all the way down.
I will NEVER argue with Tot, just saying what I've learned. He really IS my hero!
Full ROM will give you more stretch inducing better overall hypertrophy.

Up until recently, I did not goto parallel position for squats. The switch put less weight on the bar, but it hit my quads a lot better.

I did partials only training last spring up until May, and I had gains. However it eventually led to diminishing returns and I found HST.
Yeh partial squats are good for the quads, but for full development of the glute and hams it has to be full. I used to do partial squats and although I could do a lot whenever I went past parallel I would just collapse because I lacked strength over the full range of motion, this leads to poor development of the ass and hams, isnt very functional and is probably bad for your flexibility. On that note partial reps of any compound exercise are probably not hitting some muscle groups, a la the rear delts and mid back that get worked to pull your shoulders together in rows.