Not enough strength for HST?


New Member
Hey guys, I'm starting my HST program tomorrow (almost done with 9 days SD omg) and I have a couple of questions.


I have not been lifting really seriously until now and I find some exercises have low weights (incline bench, shoulder press). Is my lack of strength gonna have a negative impact on my muscle size growth? I was told that HST is the last program you wanna do if you lack strength. Is that true? Should I do something else? If so I'm really mad because I just lost 9 days on SD...

I could not test my Barbell Upright Row's RMs since I added the exercise while I was in my SD. I guessed 35lbs as my 15RM. Based on my other weights, do you think it sounds fair?

I've never done Calf Raises before and couldn't test my RMs at my previous gym. What would be a good estimate knowing my calves are fairly strong?

Any opinion and/or critiques are welcome too.
if you are wanting to get into weight training, do yourself a favor and buy Mark Rippetoe's 'Starting Strength'. You will get better advice there than you will on the internet. Here you will learn about basic form fundamentals and programming.

As it applies to programming, I believe HST is excellent for lifelong lifting. I hope that you start a log.
Muscle growth, not strength is the primary purpose of an HST program. I would change the shoulder press EDIT weight progression to 15,20,20,25,25,30 for the 15's and a similar setup repeating weights on the others.
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HST is fine for the beginner, strength is not important. The important thing is progression.
HST is primarily to develop size (hypertrophy). However, strength follows right along.

Your calves are already strong enough to carry you around everyday. A good estimate of your calf strength may be your strength in the deadlift. I usually try to use the same weights for shrug, calf raise, and deadlift.
I second what TR said about using the same weights for the Shrug and Calf Raise as I do for the Deadlift, though sometimes I do progress them a little farther to get use to the extra weight to help my Deadlift.