Number of reps per set?


New Member
First, thanks to Bryan Haycock and everyone else for posting so much free information on the site.

Regarding the number of reps per set: rather than do two weeks at each number of reps, could I just hit my RM for each weight? As long as I didn't take sets to failure, would training this way still lead to overtraining? My thinking was that this would keep the workload even because I would always be doing the most solid work I could with each weight. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.
If I understand what you are saying then yes you don’t have to stop at 2 weeks you can keep each micro-cycle going until you hit your new weight for that number of reps.

So rather than stopping after 2 weeks, or 6 workouts, of the 15s, 10s or 5s you keep adding the same increment until you get to the point that it really is your RM, even if it takes 7, 8 or 9 workouts to get there. IMO this is probably more efficient than just arbitrarily stopping because you reached 2 weeks or 6 workouts.
Thanks for responding. Sorry if my question wasn't clear, I'm still learning English. What I meant was rather than say I'm going to do this many reps for this workout, I just do as many as I can without going to failure. So this workout I might get 14 reps, then next workout I add 10lbs and maybe get 12 and so on. Then, just keep going on like that each workout until I get to a workout where I'm at my max. Would this still follow the principles of HST, or is my thinking wrong?
I almost wrote a second example saying exactly what you just did. Yes you can just start at around 70-80% of your 1RM and just keep incrementing until you max out or at least get close. This is exactly how I do it.

Just remember as the weights get very heavy you may need to cluster or do singles to get enough total reps to create the Time Under Tension needed to stimulate your muscles enough to grow. About 15 reps is the minimum I would try to get if muscle hypertrophy is your goal. You could do less if you primary goal is strength.

BTW you English was fine I just misinterpreted what you were saying based on it being a more common question.
Thanks for the help. I'll be starting my first HST cycle this week. Hopefully I'll make some good gains.
I'm only starting my HST routine, but just to say thanks for the info. I was curious about this too...

So I'm presently doing 12s (decided I'd prefer to change each week cause I found 6 decrements in weight got too light). But just to make sure this is saying what I think it is.

Say on the first day of my 12s my weight will be one that I could actually manage maybe 15 or so reps with. So I could just keep going on the till say 15reps and then the next session up the weight and manage maybe 13 and then finally for the last session up the weight and manage 12, after which I'd switch to my 10s...

I was thinking of doing this, but I wasn't sure whether it would lead to a sort of overtraining...