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This isn't the right forum..but we don't have one for RANTS.

Anyway...I just realized even more why HST forum is the best.

So I am over at T.nation yesterday reading there articles...I enjoy some of them.

Anyway I am a big MMA fan and I was reading the new interview with GSP. Well after reading the interview you get a chance to voice your opinion....( or do you)

I read the article and though it was okay was just so obvious of the redicoulous product pushing from BIO TEST. I mean you would have to be an idiot to read the article and take what GSP says about supplements seriously.

Dont get me wrong I understand smart marketing and I think its great to get fighters/ celebs to sell your product but don't make it come off as so obvious saying I am strong and focused...b/c of product X.

Anyway to make this long story short...when I got through reading the article I posted my comment.

I posted it b/c I am a bodybuilding veteran who has been reading this type of sh*t for 12 years and didn't want any of the younger guys to overlook it.

So my comment to the article was quote (  A BS article for just product pushing IMO)

Now given maybe I should not say the word BS...I apologize for that...but what I said was just the truth.

None the less...guess comment never made it to the forum...I was sent a nice little private message saying not to attack there employees...attack??? Please...all I did was tell the truth!

Anways...I am just venting I to my fellow iron brothers here at this forum...and saying A big thanks to our community for always keeping it REAL.

I appologize for the non-sense of this post...but I just felt like this community HST...are some of the only guys I know who would understand!

In fitness and friendship!

BioTest will not knowingly allow posts that are anti-BioTest. You can knock anyone else's product though. Also, you cannot post a link to any website that sells a product that competes with BioTest. Their articles are shameless marketing pieces but sometimes they come up with a good unbiased one like the Full Body versus Splits debate.
Hey Joe,
Where you gonna run to now where you gonna run to now?
Hey Joe, I said
Where you gonna run to now where you gonna go?

Leave off that ol' T-Nation lady
You'll catch her messin' round messin' round with your mind.
Huh! And that ain't too cool.


Trying to keep it real,


The Hey Joe thing rocks, yeah! Didn't know you liked Jimmy

Joe - seriously Tmag has some good articles but at HST, I at least have learn't to filter out all the crapola, and only absorb what is good.

I hardly get involved in other forums with exception of max-stim, but then again that is HST's nerdy cousin, and It is mostly pure science and no BS. advice...don't waste time with the good stuff, use it and post where it matters!
Amen. My rule of thumb is not to waste my time on ANY 'interview', 'article', 'editorial', or of course, advertisement that is from someone selling product. You never get the truth, the whole story, unbiased science, real testimonials, or anything without their personal "spin" on it. And that pretty much goes for most of the T-mag articles.
The shame of it is, there is good stuff on their website, but like Joe said, the noobies don't know the difference, and I'll bet that is their main customer base.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Brian sells product; give it a rest, before ya say anything! At least he backs up everything he says with science.
I agree with Totentanz. The only time I go there is if one of you guys direct me to a specific article. I never go there to just read on my own.

I'm also a huge MMA fan and GSP is one of my favorite fighters and I hope he wins the title tomorrow night. But I'm sorry to hear that he is being used to mindlessly push Bio Test products.
(quadancer @ Nov. 17 2006,06:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Amen. My rule of thumb is not to waste my time on ANY 'interview', 'article', 'editorial', or of course, advertisement that is from someone selling product. You never get the truth, the whole story, unbiased science, real testimonials, or anything without their personal &quot;spin&quot; on it. And that pretty much goes for most of the T-mag articles.
The shame of it is, there is good stuff on their website, but like Joe said, the noobies don't know the difference, and I'll bet that is their main customer base.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Brian sells product; give it a rest, before ya say anything! At least he backs up everything he says with science.  
well put quad.

i see some who advise/recommend avoiding t-nat at all costs for all the reasons (and a few others) quad mentioned. i cant argue with those reasons...they are all true.

one thing i have found though, like others i have found good articles and info there but more importantly have gotten better at spotting bogus info, posts, rants, hype etc. i dont post over there, just read, but there is nothing better for deciding where you stand and what you believe then to read contrary/conflicting info on other sites.

maybe its just me but i did find this site thru t-nation. we only have them to blame.... wait...maybe thats even more of a reason for you guys to dislike them...
Only one thing I have to disagree on...GSP is gonna lose this one.

Hughes will simply overpower the guy.

Other than that I agree with everyone.
(quadancer @ Nov. 18 2006,00:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, yeah, I know. Brian sells product; give it a rest, before ya say anything! At least he backs up everything he says with science.
HEres the thing

its one thing to sell product, and pimp your own stuff.

Its a totally differnet thing to be underhanded, claim impartiality etc

Biotests mission since hte begining has been the same as Bill Phillips.

Con people into believing you, then fleece them completely.
Aaron just hit the nail on the head.

Aaron I was thinking the same is very &quot;eerie&quot; feeling of Bill Philips over there.


I watched the fight last night....GSP schooled Hughes....Amazing.

And Tim Sylvia was most boring fight ever!
It is the same business model. TC was Philips' butt-boy at MM and EAS. Now he is Patterson's butt-boy at Biotest and T-Nation.
I don't pay much attention to all the BS put out by the supplement companies.

I wish I could have seen the fight last night. I think the only reason Hughes beat GSP the first time they fought was because GSP didn't actually think he could beat him....when he could have and should have. GSP is a much more talented fighter than Hughes. And it sounds like he showed that last night.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hughes beat GSP</div>

Moral of the story, take the supplements Hughes takes...

I saw no holes in GSP game at all?

He showed what a true MMA fighter of today is...simply amazing.

However...he did say in his pre-fight interview at Tnation that he was going to take some spike to help him concentrate.....damn it...I bet thats why he won!
(Joe.Muscle @ Nov. 19 2006,13:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">However...he did say in his pre-fight interview at Tnation that he was going to take some spike to help him concentrate.....damn it...I bet thats why he won!
Nah. That's how he got the interview and bus fare to the fight.