
New Member
After some great feedback about my planning of my two weeks of drop sets I guess I will have to rethink that whole plan. I guess I will just prolong my 3x5's for 4 weeks instead of two.
 In fear of getting bored with a whole month of the same work out what else is there out there for the last two weeks of my 1st cycle?
Push for more strength gains. What is boring about that? Personally, after I've hit my 5 RM and I keep pushing, achieving new 5 RMs, that's pretty much the furthest thing from boring that I could conceive of.
I can't remember if you are doing dips and chins? If you are then you should give negs a try for at least these two exercises. That way you can keep incrementing the load for the next two weeks. I like to add in a body weight set to finish up for both too.
I can't see why some guys talk about boring what the h...?

Why or what are they priorities serious growth or entertainment, to me pumping iron has its own element of fun, and if you have goals to attain...why would you be bored
Very silly IMO
(lizard @ Oct. 11 2006,15:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">After some great feedback about my planning of my two weeks of drop sets I guess I will have to rethink that whole plan. I guess I will just prolong my 3x5's for 4 weeks instead of two.
 In fear of getting bored with a whole month of the same work out what else is there out there for the last two weeks of my 1st cycle?</div>
if you do drop or metabolic sets that will make your last 2wks slightly different so how can you get bored.
I have been out of town and missed your earlier thread where apparently, based on your comments above, you may have been told not to do drop sets. Rather than search back for that post, I will just throw my opinion in here.

There is nothing wrong with doing drop sets after your 2 weeks of 5's when you have worked up to your 5 rep max. I do it every cycle. It is when I get the most growth and then I take a 10 to 14 days SD. RBE takes longer to set in with lower rep exercises. No one is going to enter into a catabolic stste of &quot;overtraining&quot; because of two weeks of doing anything. Adding two drop sets of 5 rep each for two weeks is a natural progression as are negatives or sets of three reps. You just can't do them all the time because they are very intense.