One arm dumbell overhead tricep extension


New Member
I think that this exercise is causing a bad strain.

The tendon that connects the tricep to the epicondyle on the in inside of the arm hurts like hell.

I don't know if it may be caused because I hold my arm to the side of my head or what. I was doing the exercise to help rehab my arm.

My only guess is that by placing my arm in a position that is stretched then placing a load on it is causing a strain.

Just curious if anyone else has ever had this problem.

Single arm dumbell overhead tricep extension

Then switch to skull crushers, close grip bench press, close grip overhead press (in front of your head, not behind the neck), or my favorite (not doing now though) - cable tricep push downs, made even better by replacing the bar with a rope.

And no, what you've described isn't uncommon and your reasoning for why it hurts is correct.

If something causes joint pain, just do something else.
i agree w/vagrant on this.

the tri's are very strong muscles that are typically recruited in most of your upper body power moves......bench, dip, press etc.. this means 2 things to me. one, your probably not stressing the muscle much with a 1 arm overhead movement (just not enough wgt) and two, dont mess around with a small iso movement that may cause injury and therefore hinder/stop all those above mentioned power movements.

many get a good enough tri w/o from bench, dip, press etc. but if you are looking for more i believe prone tri extensions or C.G. bench work well as they allow you to use enough wgt to make an impression. regardless, if any exer. is causing tendon pain consistantly its time for a new exer. or time for a rest

good luck