One week off?


New Member
Been awhile since I've been here. I did a few HST cycles a year or two ago and had good results. Got a non-lifting injury and had to lay off for a bit. Now I'm back in the gym and doing some more HST. I came back to this site to catch up and found that SD is now only one week. Didn't it used to be two weeks?

Not that I'm complaining; it gives me more time to lift. Just wanted to make sure that nobody was having any growth issues due to not being de-conditioned enough.
Don't quote me on it, but I "think" it's recommended at 7-14. But if your split is M-W-F, and you take an entire week off of lifting, it's technically nine days... which seemed to work fine for me. I'm on my first cycle so can't say I know from experience. Logic would tell me that if you haven't been lifting for awhile, a week would be sufficient while higher-experienced lifters might have to SD for a longer period.
Technically it's 9-14 days - so if you do M,W,F after your last friday you just go through the wk end and then begin the next cycle a week from monday(9 days)