Only 100kgs...


Using HST do you think it is possible to build an athletic looking muscular physique only using a barbell with up to 100kgs of weight and a set of squat stands???
Sure. Why not? Unless you already weight over 100kgs yourself, that should be plenty of weight for most exercises.

If this is a home gym, you might eventually want to find a bit more weight for your squats and deadlifts, but 100kgs should be a good start.

It's not how much weight you have to work with as it is how hard you are willing to work. Besides, a big part of "an athletic looking muscular physique" comes from a proper diet and plenty of exercise.
It's just that most of the people who do have good pyhsiques normally are lifting well over 100kgs especially lower body as you have hinted at.

With regards to lower body could you jsut increase the number of reps once you got to 100kgs, so performing a HST cycle where the lower body rep blocks could be 1x20, 2x12 and 3x8's for example?
that sounds fine.. considering your restrictions. you could also increase the time under tension as well.