opinion on a few exercises


Hi I have been doing the HST program for just under a year and I have gotten some good gain, on each cycle I keep tweaking and changing the exercises that I have been doing and I have gotten to a point where I'm unsure that the exercises I am doing are really helping me.

The first question is clean and jerk I am thinking about substituting this for rack lift and shoulder presses is this a good idea ?

next question is cable flies do should I do it with bench on each workout day or do I alternate it with bench ? and should I do flat bench or should I just stick with incline ? and what your opinion on dumbbell incline bench press ?

this question concerns lower back stress would you say clean and jerk/rack lift and squats on one working day and deadlift and front squat on the next working day would be ok on my lower back ?

Last question how many sets and reps would you say I should do on calf ? and what exercise would you recommend for hamstrings ? Would you say doing the same exercises on each workout is better than alternating them ?

I take that i either confused you guys or no one can help so I'll just simplify it.

Is clean and jerk a good substitute for rack lift and shoulder press ?

should i do cable flies with bench or on a separate day ?

and how many sets and reps should I do for calf raises ?

Hope it helps

Let me see if I can help aamar

Question 1.) that depends on what your goals are. If I was strictly concerned about hypertrophy, then I would keep rack pulls and shoulder press over clean and jerk.

Question 2.) I would always use a compound exercise over an iso any day. You get more bang for your buck, but you can do them as a supplemental exercise after a compound if you feel the need

Question 3.) Calves suck! (or at least mine do) Having said that the consensus is that 10-20 reps seem to work best. I think it's very important to get a good full range of motion with a deep stretch at the bottom of each rep. If they are part of your HST program I would start with 2 sets and see how they recover. Your recovery ability will ultimately decide how many sets you should be doing. To tain the gastrocnemius do standing/donkey/leg press raises and to train the soleus do seated raises. There really is no special formula to calves unfortunately, just hard work or good genetics lol