Opinions on HST program


New Member
Hey all

I've been working out for four years now. Started with full body programs, then went over to 2-split and the last 6 months I've been working a 3-split. I'm kinda stuck in the 3-split and I just don't get enough out of the 9+ hours a week in the gym.

Therefore I've decided to try a TBT HST program. I am planning on going with 3 times a week, since it would be nice to have some time for tennis during the summer:)

Now, I've come up with some exercises for the program, and would like some second thoughts on it. It's pretty vanilla HST:P I'm gonna do 2 week cycles at 15,10 and 5 reps. The last week or two I'm gonna train excentric.


Squat, 2 sets
Leg curls, 1 set
Seated calf raises, 2 sets

Bench flat, 2 sets
Incline bench, 1 set

Chins, 2 sets
Rows seated or bent over?, 2 sets
Shrugs, 1 set

Shoulder: (could I do anything to cut off one exercise?)
Military press, 1 set
Lateral raises, 1 set
Rear delt row, 1 set

DB curls, 2 sets
E-Z bar curls, 1 set

Pushdown with rope, 2 sets
Dips, 1 set

Weighted Crunces, 1 set


So, that is what I plan on going with. Do you have any recommendations or ideas for changes? I have done many of the exercises I have included the last 6 months, but since I will do a strategic deconditioning it shouldn't matter right? My triceps is lagging behind, so could I do anything to get it up to speed? Do I need more exercises anywhere, for back and traps perhaps?

Thanks in advance:)

- Math
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Shoulder: (could I do anything to cut off one exercise?)
Military press, 1 set
Lateral raises, 1 set
Rear delt row, 1 set
if your doing incline-bench you could drop the millitary-press inclines should hit your front delts good.
Thanks for the reply. I will take the military press out then:)

How bout the back exercises are they ok?

Should I add dead lift instead of leg curls?
I've changed the program a little:

Squat, 2 sets
Stiff legged deads, 2 set
Seated calf raises, 2 sets

Bench flat, 2 sets

Chins, 2 sets
Rows bent over, 2 sets
Shrugs, 1 set

Military press, 1 set
Lateral raises, 1 set
Rear delt row, 1 set

DB curls, 2 sets

Pushdown with rope, 2 sets
Dips, 1 set

Weighted Crunces, 1 set

I've removed the second biceps exercise and the incline bench.
- Would it be better to stick with the incline bench and get rid of military press?
- Are the lateral raises and the rear delt rows necessary?`
- Should I keep dips or skip it?
- Should I keep bent over row or skip it?
I've changed the program a little:

Squat, 2 sets
Stiff legged deads, 2 set
Seated calf raises, 2 sets

Bench flat, 2 sets

Chins, 2 sets
Rows bent over, 2 sets
Shrugs, 1 set

Military press, 1 set
Lateral raises, 1 set
Rear delt row, 1 set

DB curls, 2 sets

Pushdown with rope, 2 sets
Dips, 1 set

Weighted Crunces, 1 set

I've removed the second biceps exercise and the incline bench.
- Would it be better to stick with the incline bench and get rid of military press?
- Are the lateral raises and the rear delt rows necessary?`
- Should I keep dips or skip it?
- Should I keep bent over row or skip it?

drop the incline and keep millitary....also keep dips 3sets drop pushdowns....drop laterals reardelts..the bent-over-rows/military-press have front and rear delts covered.