Options after 5's


New Member
I have 1 more workout of 15's and I'd appreciate any feedback on what I'm doing and options after 5's.
First week of 15's did 2 sets, this week, 1 set of 15's. My routine is this in this order:
Calf Raises
Bench Press
Military Press
Close Grip Bp
And I'm running 4 days a week/30 min once/20min other 3 days
I'm planning on 2 sets of 10's and 3 sets of 5's.

I had to leave out dips and Chins because when I started my 15's , I was getting over broken ribs. The ribs are about 95% now and I think I can add them in on my 10's.

After 2 weeks of 5's and not having a spotter that leaves out negatives, what about drop sets and if so , how many drops? Do I stick with a weight I can lift 5 times, then peel off weight and how many times? Just once or how many times do i strip the weight?
Thanks again.
Thanks in advance.
You can continue with your 5 rep max for a couple more weeks. You can also do drop sets.

I would recommend one drop set per muscle group.

Leading up to an SD depending upon your condition and expierence level you can basically do whatever you want the last week or so (within reason of course) then just sd for 14 days and start back fresh!
If you really don't want to do negatives, you can push beyond your previous 5 RM to find your new 5 RM, then use clustering to keep going up to your 2 RM or so. I would really try to do negatives wherever possible though, chins and dips for instance, if your previous injury allows. Curls are easy to do negatives on. Either cheat the weight up and then lower it down in a controlled fashion or use a dumbbell - use both arms to raise it and one to lower it.
If your bench has self-spotting pegs, you can do negatives for bench and close-grip bench, though it can be somewhat time consuming. For CGBP it's easy though, just lower it with a narrow grip then widen your grip to raise it up.

Either way, I would still work up to your 2 RM, moving to negative only reps when you cannot do more full range reps.
If your ribs can take it, then negative presses are great. Just push press the weight to lock out and then lower the weight. My 1RM for presses is a pathetic 170, but by doing push presses I was able to do neg's with well over 200.