order of exercises

Hey :)

Nope. Alter the order as you wish, as long as it makes sense for you. I'm sure you know the general rule about the order of exercises - bigger movements before the smaller ones, except perhaps for exercises like deadlifts and squats if they totally wipe you out.

Throw the order around, see what works best :)

My order is:

Chest - dips or press
Back - rows or chins
Legs - deads or squats
Shoulders - db or military, then shrugs
Anything else - bis, tris, abs if I feel like that sore feeling the next day

I found that doing legs first, esp. deads just drains me a bit too much to throw everything into upper body compound.

Chins esp. stretch the pecs for me, so I do chest prior to this.

I prefer to keep chest and shoulders with about 10-12mins between them, which is what I get with the above :)
Both JV and jester are right on the money.

The order is up to you, mate!

I for one prefer:

Squats or deads (are alternated p/workout)
Chest (Bench, flyes, etc)
Chins and other lat exercises
Bi's Then Tri's
End off with 2 to 3 sets of abs (variety)

To answer your question exactly, I normally do the full eight weeks, but I am quite hedonistic
and don't quite believe that muscles grow better when surprised as some people have preached before (gladly not on this site).

HST is quite structured and it is the only program I know in which you know exactly how much you will be benching or lifting on anything in eight weeks time.