Order of exercises


New Member

does it matter in which order you do your exercises?

I ask this question because:
In a gym, you usually have to wait a lot if you do the exercises according to an order.

Certainly yes for me...

My workout log:
Bench X2
ishios extension X1
Chin up wide X1
Chin up narrow X1
back shoulders on incline bench X1
DB behind head for Tri X1
weighted crunches X1
Bench X2
Leg press X2
rowing with DB x2
traps with DB X1
DB behind head for Tri X1
leg raise for abs X1
sitted calves X1
db curl biceps X1
sitted calves X1
db curl biceps X1

As you can see my order is chest, legs, back, shoulders, tris, abs,chest, legs, back, shoulders, tris, abs,calves,bis,calves,bis.

In this way, if a spot is taken i can alternate with the second exercice of my muscle group.
In this way, I optimize my rests time, as I'm working in an antagonistic approach. Typically finishing with alternating biceps and calves is really great, cause, i don't need to much time of rest between each set. and finishing quicly is less boring than with a big part.
Another thing, as biceps are mainly requested for all over exercices upper body, i prefer to train them at the end, to not affect my efficiency on other body parts...

i dont put it any particular order. i do whole body, obviously..and i usually just hop around alternating lower body with upper body. even at that i just go with what i feel like doing at that moment..or what is open. i dont know if it really matters or not..i'm a newb

does it matter in which order you do your exercises?

I ask this question because:
In a gym, you usually have to wait a lot if you do the exercises according to an order.


I do the biggest stuff first. My biggest lifts are bench, squat, and deadlift (like most), so whichever of those is on the menu for the day gets put at the top. If the squat rack or power cage is open, I'll squat or DL first. If not, but a bench is open, I'll bench first. If neither are open, I'll wait. And I usually follow an order of descending poundage. My smallest lifts will be last, like lateral raises or db flys or curls.
Is it OK - like Koolmatt do - to do 1 set of all exercises and then the second set of all same exercises? Like:
bench x 1
dips x 1
bench x 1
dips x1

instead of

bench x2
dips x2

Surely this way we shall save huge amount of time, but is it as effective?

Once you get to the heavier end of a cycle, you will need longer rest periods between sets for recovery of your phosphogenic and glycolytic energy pathways.

If you try to alternate heavy sets of bench and dips, which utilise predominantly the same muscle groups, you may well not recover your strength adequately between sets to be able to use your desired loads or to attain your desired rep count.

To save some time, alternating between bench and chins would be a better solution because you are working different muscle groups—one group can recover while the other group is being stressed.

Once you get to heavy deads or squats you probably won't want to be hitting another exercise in between sets. You could try arm isos between sets of deads or squats as they are relatively kind to your CNS and are less energy draining.

At the end of the day, try this out for yourself. If you can keep to your load progression and cut your rest times down, then great! See how you get on.
light misunderstanding on my comments in fact.

I'm not alternating bench with Dips, as bench dips bench dips, but i wanted to say, that having 2 different exercices for the same muscle group in your workout, permit you to use the second one, if the first one is not available...

If benches are all taken, i'll go directly on DIPS, and keep my order exercices.
No Koolmatt, my mistake. Sorry guys for bad example with Bench and Dips which definitively does not represent what I had in mind. Those were just to give an example.

Let's take another example. What sets order should be better to do:

Bench x 2
Bicep curl x 2
Lateral raises x2


Bench x 1
Bicep curl x 1
Lateral raises x 1
Bench x 1
Bicep curl x 1
Lateral raises x 1

The second option would allow reduced rest periods, as Koolmatt mentioned I believe, since we were working diferent muscle groups. But would it be as effective as Exercise x 2 sets in a row?

I hope I was able to make my question clearer this time...


In fact all the key of the story is in the "rest" ;-)
don't forget that you would have shorter rest on second scenario, so from my experience, i can testify that i'm fully tired with this strategy, and my weights are still the same in each scenario.
Moreover, it's easier to correctly execute each movements when you're not too much congestioned with a lot of the same exercice.
No Koolmatt, my mistake. Sorry guys for bad example with Bench and Dips which definitively does not represent what I had in mind. Those were just to give an example.

Let's take another example. What sets order should be better to do:

Bench x 2
Bicep curl x 2
Lateral raises x2


Bench x 1
Bicep curl x 1
Lateral raises x 1
Bench x 1
Bicep curl x 1
Lateral raises x 1

The second option would allow reduced rest periods, as Koolmatt mentioned I believe, since we were working diferent muscle groups. But would it be as effective as Exercise x 2 sets in a row?

I hope I was able to make my question clearer this time...


Which is better? It depends. As I've read more about myo-reps and clustering, I've learned that when you work with loads less than 80-85% of your 1RM, you do not reach full activation of the muscles until you get close to failure on the initial work set (lifting explosively will fully activate muscles sooner). Some refer to the initial work set as the activation set. So, doing the 2nd set right after the 1st, after a reasonably short rest, will mean that more total reps will be completed with full activation (which is really good for growth).

If you move on to other lifts and then come back for the second set after your muscles have recovered, you are simply executing another activation set instead of capitalizing on the initial activation set.

I might not be making sense. It's early and I've not had my coffee yet. You might want to read the myo-rep info on this forum or on others where Blade gives a much more intelligent explanation.

But the short answer is that 2 sets in a row will work the muscle more and be more effective. In your 15s, you might not want to do 2 sets, but it would be advantagous to do 15 reps once, wait 10-20 seconds then hit 3 more, wait 10-20 seconds, hit 3 more, repeating that formula until you feel like you couldn't do another mini-set of 3. That'll give you one hell of a good workout, keep your rest time down (if you do 5 clusters of 3 reps after the initial 15 reps, you have completed 2 sets of 15 with minimal rest), keep your session time down, and deliver a more efficient stimulus.
Glad to see you looking into Myo-reps Dix. I felt that they worked great for me during my last cycle. A huge time and CNS saver and they complemented the Max-Stim or M-Time reps perfectly. By doing M-Time for the 85%+ of my 1 RM and Myo-reps for the 70%-85% 1RM I felt that I was getting the best of all worlds with both hypertrophy and pure strength at the same time. Getting ready for my next cycle I was looking back at my log and can see that where I used Myo-Reps the most is were I made the best sized gains. While at the same time with M-Time I was hitting PB’s on Squat and Bench only 4 weeks into the cycle. Note I should probably have held off on trying for those PB’s since I think that fried my CNS earlier than necessary, which cut my cycle short, meaning if I had been more patient I probably would have seen even better hypertrophy.

Even if you don’t incorporate them for all body parts I sure hope you decide to give them a try. Well worth it IMO.
Tks Whistledixie and Grunt,

Although early in the morning and no coffee I could get you clear Whistledixie. Do you guys also use these 1x3 technic during 10's and 5's for the second sets (maybe 5's not possible...)?
I use Myo-reps for the light to medium lifts, and Max-stim reps for the heavy lifts all the way through my cycle. I don’t do 15s, 10s, and 5s but use linier progression by just adding weight to my Max-stim reps every workout. For my Myo-reps I work in the 8-15 rep range trying to add more reps to the activation set each workout until I get to 15 reps when I up the weight. For Max-stim I try to do 20 reps or at least 15 when it gets real heavy. For the Myo-reps I try to keep the “quality reps” (the last couple of the activation set plus the clusters) up in the 15-20 range also. Note that one of the things about doing Myo-reps is that you should self regulate. The idea is not to push to failure on any of the sets, activation or clusters, which may mean if you’re having a bad day you just don’t beat your last workout.