Overall question about cutting and HST


New Member
My primary goal is cutting down my bf i'm currently at like 22-24% and want to get down to below 18% for now and even more hopefully.

How do i go about that? I recently adjusted my diet to eat mostly proteins and some fats and cut down a lot on carbs. I also switched from my 2-3 time a week, 30 minute cardio jog/bike ride to Hiit training. I started jogging/running and sprinting for about 8 minutes every day. So I think those 2 things are covers.

Now unto Lifting. Is there anything i can do to change my next HST routine to help me with cutting or do i just stick to a basic routine and the cardio/diet takes care of it all?
Yeah, the purpose of weight training during a cut is pretty much to preserve LBM although it is possible to gain strength like XFM. So I think everyone would agree that its best to stick to your basic compounds and train as you would if you were bulking. The only difference being the diet and the additional calorie burning activities. Hope that answers your question.
how do you guys feel about training HST on ketogenic diet?
I've trained HST when dieting before but not on ketogenic

If you are doing a Cyclical Keto diet I would think HST work work quite well as you need a full-body depletion workout prior to the weekend carb load. Since HST does full-body anyways, it works out perfectly assuming you train Friday afternoon.

If you are doing a constant-Keto diet then after a month or so you may want to start taking a carb/protein drink post training to help repair, but not to allow your body to come out of ketosis too long. I used a Gatorade drink with about 1.5 scoops only after weight training.

But in closing I would like to mention that keto diets don't work for everyone. I was on these diet for years and could not get fat to budge. What works best for me is a higher carb, moderate protein, moderate fat....but that is just me.

Good luck.
I might try that keto diet to see what kind of results i can get. Not sure if i can stick with it though. With a pregnant wife at home, there's way too many food temptations.
I've been doing keto diet for a while now and I have used torso/legs&arms split so far and been doing fine,I've lost about 15 kg (something like 30 pounds) but I just felt it would be nice to do some HST again for change,so far I have done 7 HST cycles I think since summer 2005

EDIT:it has not been Cyclical Keto diet but i have had some high carb days once in a while