Overhead Dumbbell Press


New Member
I get a fair amount of shoulder clicking when I do dumbbell presses, despite the fact that I don’t go lower than about mouth level.  I read somewhere that RC work is supposed to help with this.  Unfortunately, I stopped my RC work for awhile during SD and just hadn’t gotten back into it.  I am no where near my 5RM at this point, but I am wondering if this indicates I should back off until I strengthen the stabilizer muscles.  It isn’t painful, just sort of disconcerting.  It has happened for all previous cycles with no discernable injuries yet, but I have to wonder. Opinions?
I hope it's not a problem because I hear it too.

No pain though, no matter how heavy I'm going so I just keep doing it. I use a bar and stop at my chin with it.
(Ruthenian @ Feb. 05 2007,12:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I get a fair amount of shoulder clicking when I do dumbbell presses, despite the fact that I don’t go lower than about mouth level.  I read somewhere that RC work is supposed to help with this.  Unfortunately, I stopped my RC work for awhile during SD and just hadn’t gotten back into it.  I am no where near my 5RM at this point, but I am wondering if this indicates I should back off until I strengthen the stabilizer muscles.  It isn’t painful, just sort of disconcerting.  It has happened for all previous cycles with no discernable injuries yet, but I have to wonder. Opinions?</div>
I never had the clicking problem, but my shoulders used to twitch a little after doing them. However, I went all the way down to my shoulders when doing dumbbell presses (and still do). I spent a long time doing RC work and I no longer have any problem with them.
My knees sound like a knife going through a head of cabbage when I bend them. An orthopedic surgeon at my church said it was just cartilage; if there's no pain not to worry about it. Maybe yours is similar.