Overtraining Questions for AM/PM

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Hey again everyone. Another nooby question.

How would I tell if I'm overtraining? I'm currently doing AM/PM workouts right now. For the 15s, I have been doing the same workouts AM/PM. Now for the 10's I'm finding it a bit harder to recover as fast.

My question is.. should I still mirror my morning workouts if only my muscles are semi-tired (not sore nor do I feel a significant pump), but I feel that i have enough energy?

Or.. should I split AM/PM's into upper/ lower and increase the number of sets for each exercise.

Thanks in advance for helping this noob out!

Try to split up your volume beween AM/PM workouts so that you don't overdo it! Do not double up the volume!

Creating a push/pull or upper/lower split can also work well.
would this be the correct definition of volume? i found this from an article by bryan.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
* Low volume training uses few repetitions; high volume uses many repetitions.
* Low intensity training uses light loads; high intensity uses heavy loads.
* Combining light loads with high volume builds endurance.
*Combining medium loads with medium intensity builds      muscle.
* Combining heavy loads with low volume builds strength.</div>

so i should split the number of reps i do? lol. sorry. as you can probably tell, i'm a bit confused. thanks for all your help. can you maybe give a quick hypothetical example?
Not an example but just to be clear:

Volume = sets x reps x load and is directly proportional to the total amount of work done.

So volume can be varied by altering any of the variables: load, sets or reps. Also, if you decrease the time taken to attain a specific amount of volume then your power output has increased and vice versa.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">so i should split the number of reps i do? lol. sorry. as you can probably tell, i'm a bit confused. thanks for all your help. can you maybe give a quick hypothetical example? </div>


If you are repeating your workout, say bench press 5 reps x 3 sets morning and then again in the evening, then, you are doing 6 sets, so I'd split this and do only either morning or evening for 3 sets, and perhaps either do a different exercise for the same muscle (flyes or dips) or workout a different body part.

It all depends on what you want to do, you have to perhaps show us your workout!