Paraplegic & HST


New Member
Hey friends, got a few thoughts in regards to being a paraplegic using weight training.

I have not been able to find any wheelchair bodybuilding forums, so im asking my questions here.

I took up weights to help my wheelchair basketball game. Been playin 6 years and i want to increase my endurance as well as muscle size (mostly for the ladies, but to help my game also).

I started in Jan 06 with the "old style" == standard 3 sets, using iso's mostly, and changed it up with pyramids every 4-6 weeks.  Towards the end of the old style training I began to incorporate the compound exercises.  I gained strength and endurance but not really any size - prolly due to diet. But now i'm straight on eating big and clean and also supplementing with a multi and whey protein.

I use the following HOME exercises:

Chin-ups(palms toward)
Seated DB Press
Abs (lower and upper)

All are weighted. I use Dip/Push-up "handles" (those plastic "GO_FIT" brand type) and a doorway chin-up bar.  I am following the standard HST 15,10,5 @ 2 sets and I love it.

My spinal cord injury is L1 complete. I am basically parlayzed waist down.  Since i am only able to use half my body, would that mean I would only produce half of the hormone that produces muscle growth?..hence...would I grow at a slower pace compared to an able bodied person?

Im eating/supplementing 2400 - 2600 calories. Since I don't use my legs, would my calorie intake be slightly lower than an able bodied person?

I can't do any back work (aside from chinups), would my back develop slower or at all?

Thanks and Peace bro's.
We have to think to answer this one.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have not been able to find any wheelchair bodybuilding forums, so im asking my questions here.</div>

I ain't seen none meself
I might have just come to trhe right place.

Your set of exercises is not too bad, perhaps you should try to find a bench, as I think you can easily do bench presses, in addition to what you already got.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">All are weighted. I use Dip/Push-up &quot;handles&quot; (those plastic &quot;GO_FIT&quot; brand type) and a doorway chin-up bar. I am following the standard HST 15,10,5 @ 2 sets and I love it. </div>

Although this may be OK for now, as you get stronger you would want to add weight to chins and dips and this may require you to get a solid ceiling bar for that!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Im eating/supplementing 2400 - 2600 calories. Since I don't use my legs, would my calorie intake be slightly lower than an able bodied person? </div>

It is all about how much you weight and BMR, that dictates how much you eat to maintain your normal weight, when you train with weights invariably you need to eat more than youneed so that your muscles respond by growing.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I can't do any back work (aside from chinups), would my back develop slower or at all?</div>

There are a lot of rowing movements that don't need you to stand up to do them, they can seriously develop your back, using a cable if you know what I mean?

HST is all about progression actually goes something like:

15's - 1 set/10's - 2 sets/5's 3 sets so as to maintain the volume +/- constant.

I don't know about the hormone thing, but I seriously think not, you just can't use your legs, that is it! Nothin stops you from developing a serious body!
You could try doing Floor Presses with the dumbells for your chest, basically the same as bench press but on the floor and with a slightly reduced range of motion. This will be easier to make progress with weight each workout rather than pushups.

Also dumbelll Pullovers again laying on the floor, these will work your lats.(and chest and shoulders).
Heres another back exercise, a type of row, you can do it by moving your doorway chinup bar lower down.

You would support yourself under the hips instead of the feet.

I dont know what country your from but in the UK wheelchair Rugby (MurderBall) is quite popular, I guess alot of the people playing that sport would lift weights, so it might be worth doing a search.

Hey congradulations. I have seen some impresive pics of guys who have lost controll of their lower body, who have built impressive upper body builds. Good on you. Regrading Hormones. I am only 90% sure on this ----- but I remember reading the hormone release is only local. So Squats don't make hormones flow through your entire body. Only muscles worked get the hormonal benifit. (of course squats do hit a lot of your body -- so a lot of your body gets the benifit of the compound exercize) But you will get just the same benifit of just hitting your upper body. net net Only the muscles hit get the hormone benifit.

Good luck man,

Sweet. Thanks for the replies friends.

I had the same thoughts on the hormone question == the muscles I am able to work would get the hormone...its not dependent on ALL of the muscles.

I am going to try and apply your suggestions into my routine.

Thanx friends!!!
Michael B.
This is very interesting! For years I was under the impression thatall muscles have to grow somewhat in proportion to each other and that heavy squats make the entire body grow. But then I met this guy at my gym. He does no lifting with his legs (they are like a 12 year old girls) nad only works biceps and tri. Guess what? He has developed some fairly impressive arms.

I would reccomend the following program:

bench, chins, dips, mil press and cruches. I do 2 sets in the 15's and 3 in the 10's and 5's.

As far as the hormones go. I am only 34 but I am on hrt. You may have low test levels which may or may not have something to do with the injury. Ask your doc to do a free and total testosterone blood test. If you are low he can put you on hrt which should help the gains in the gym.

Diet is key for you as well. Make sure you are eating enough if you want to bulk.