Pic is up need help please!


Active Member

Ok guys i am posting two pictures b/c the first one is when I was heavier carrying more bulk...so I decided to cut for summer. This has been over about 6 months slowly. I would say I was about 15% bf in the first pic and 10.5 in the 2nd pic which was taken today. I have gone from 202 pounds first pic to 190 2nd pic. I have busted my butt trying to lean down and cutt up thinking I will weigh less but look much better the thing is I think I look horable now...that I see the pics. The pics are not 100% identical to each other...like being tan and not being tan...but you can get the picture...please guys be brutally honest...and I need some help....if cutting does this to your body...something is wrong...not to mention my abs dont even show!

Experts and all please help...i feel very frustrated now after working hard for months and seeing these results...oh and by the way I am not a rookie I have been working out hard for about 9 years.

So feel free to critique and give me some good advice Thanks

call me crazy --- I think you look better with the weight off. It would help If your "after" pic where bigger. It is a little small and difficult to see.

Bob :D
For comparison purposes, it would help if you had 2 pictures with the same skin colour/tan levels.

Also, you don't look like 10% BF in that 2nd pic to me, closer to 15% or so. The first one looks closer to 18-20%. And 12lbs bw loss isn't THAT great (in terms of magnitude, not achievement). Well done for sure, but I'm sure that losing more fat still would produce better results. You def. look like your waistline has improved though, the "V" shape is showing.
One thing I noticed about the 2 pics is that in the first your arms are a little ways away from your body, but in the second they are right next to your body. This makes your arms look a little smaller, at least to me, in the second pic. Also, the shading in the second picture isn't helping things. I say take a better "now" picture and post it so that we can draw a better comparison. Try to replicate the stance and the lighting from the first picture.
I agree with Jester, you're probably around 15% still. At 10%, you should have at least a four pack showing.
I think we all can fall into the syndrom of wanting to get big -- and starting to like our fat. It makes us bigger. So sometimes psychologically it is hard to let go of size -- even if it is fat. but before you hit 10 to 12% you don't see the benifits of cutting -- the definition. So at 13%--to 16% you are in a nether world -- lost size and did not gain the "beauty" of being cut. So that would argue to keep cutting

Thanks guys I knew that the knowledge of this forum would help. Yeah in my defense the 2nd pic is horrible and the non exsiting tan makes a differnce plus my posture was terrible...but I took it yesterday and saw it and it basically got me down and out...so i figured I would post it for the best advice. I actually told my wife...that for a guy who has been working out for almost 10 years the pic didn't show it.

I think you guys are right about the bodyfat percentage as well. Well I will try to post a better pic and I am going to continue to slim down more...skin callipers about month ago said I was about 11.5% so I just assumed I may have lost 1 % since then...and I dont have abs yet...so I just assumed that may be genetics...but maybe not???

Anyway thanks for the support and this forum is the greatest when it comes to a no BS answer. Thanks again!
JOE :)
I'm more worried about the sunburn in the second pic

Actually, you can start to see the upper abs coming through, your stomach looks flatter, but you may need to train your abs for hypertrophy to get them a little bigger, if you don't already do so.

Bob is exactly right in what he says, you put some size on and it feels great to grow, then the time comes to cut and you start shrinking and still dont' see the definition you want and it's depressing.
I'm in the same situation this summer, trying to get the 6 without turning back into the weed I used to be.
I'm trying to do it gradually, hoping that when I get down to where I want I can slightly increase calories and slowly get back some size. It ain't easy

Next time you work out, get a good pump, flex, and take another pic, I bet you'll look and feel better!
Thanks Dood...its wierd I have posted this same question over at Menshealth...and they are slamming me over there.

So i really appreciated your input. This forum in way more knowledable than the Menshealth forum...but reading there critiques gets me wondering if all i have done is lose muscle.

Thanks again!
Those guys must not know what they are talking about. If you had lost 12 pounds of muscle, you would look a lot smaller than that.

Dood is right, you should hit your abs to get them growing a bit. They may become more visible that way.

Since you are cutting slowly, it takes more time to see results, but it also should spare a lot more of your lean body mass. I highly doubt that cutting slowly like that would spare all your fat and only cut away muscle. So ignore those guys over there.
You do look like you may have lost some size in your shoulders, but it is probably just the way you are holding your arms in each pic.

Anyway, Dood gave a lot of good advice. Get pumped and take a pic, compare it to the other pics you already took. Keep cutting gradually like you have been, and eventually you'll have the definition you desire.
The guys over at menshealth pointed out that I have a posture problem. With my shoulder turning inward. Did you guys notice that?

IF so what is your advice to correct it?

I thought about dropping all bench presses for a while and just doing flys and doubling up on just rows for my back???

Or is that crazy?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Joe.Muscle @ May 23 2005,6:54)]143 looks and n advice on the posture hmmm :confused:
Rolled forward shoulders can be corrected with strengthening the Rhomboids (Major and Minor), Upper and Middle Trapezius, and Levator Scapulae. The Rhomboids are a major player in scapula adduction as is the Trapezius, doing any type of adduction, Rows, Lying Shrugs, Rear Delt Work, will help strengthen these muscles.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Joe.Muscle @ May 22 2005,9:06)]Or is that crazy?
I would say it is

I could be completely wrong, but I don't think you can change your posture much through training, unless you have a severly weak or injured muscle and need rehab. Just try to be conscious of your posture and try to pull your shoulders back and stick out your chest more.
I would agree that you are more around 15% bf. Your arms are coming along nicely, there is great potential there. Keep cutting.