Planning HST and AAS cycles


New Member
I am planning a fairly mild test only cycle to go with my next HST bulking cycle. I have learned that the test will take a few weeks before it "kicks in" and you see results and "feel" it. It will be a 12 week cycle. The HST cycle will be 10 weeks including negs.

Would you start the test during the SD (2 weeks before I actually start lifting) so it really kicks in during the 10's?

Or just start it with the 15's and just continue the 5's until the AAS cycle ends? This is what I was planning.

Anyone have an idea on what would wouk better?
I'm not sure about it taking 2 weeks to "kick in", and I've never done AAS myself, however the FAQ on this site says the best time to start is in the 2nd week of the 10s, and continue lifting heavy weights after you "come off" so you don't loss the gains you've made due to low natural test.

Read the FAQ post "HST and AAS", you'll find it really helpful.

I'm pretty sure "2 weeks to kick" is just a wives-tale/myth, it would prob only take a few days to kick in at most.
How long it takes to "kick in" depends on the esther. Since you are on HRT, I'm assuming you are on test cyp, so yeah, it might take a little bit for you to feel it. That doesn't mean it's not working though. Personally, I would increase the dosage from HRT to cycling levels during the 15s, eat like a mad man and keep the 5s/negatives going until you decide to go back to your regular dosage.
Luckily for you, no PCT is necessary, since you're just going back to HRT, so you should be able to keep your gains. Just remember, don't spare the food. Make the most of this bulk and eat as much as you can. You can always cut the fat later.
Yeah the PCT thing is a huge deal. I know guys can loose alot when the come off. I wont have that problem.

The fact that I have legal test, hcg and arimidex plus no worries about PCT is just too much resist. Im gonna eat like mad and attack the gym like never before.

Totentanz, I plan on giving blood a few days before starting the cycle to keep the RBC in check. What do you think about cardio during the cycle?
Cardio can be a great idea during a AAS assisted bulk, since you will be gaining weight rapidly. It probably won't aid partitioning much, but it should help you maintain your cardiovascular fitness, which can go down during rapid weight gain. A lot of guys report being short of breath, etc etc when gaining a lot on a cycle.
I'd probably recommend steady state over something like intervals, but if you did opt for intervals then I'd only go once a week with those. If you go with steady state, twice a week should be good.

I'd really be interested to know your before and after results.
yup, start it two weeks before. Cyp will take about 4-5 weeks to really kick in. Be smart about increasing the weight. First cycle you will feel godlike and think you can do any weight you want. Don't! Your joints need time to prep for the big increase in strength. Really kick up the protein keep the carbs and fat moderate. Do a little cardio but since this is a bulker you can keep it to a minimum, only increase it if you are gaining more fat than you want.

Do the full cycle of HST. 15's and all. Some will say not to but it really helps with the latter part of the cycle when the strength is really going up. Decide on continuing the hst past the norm when you get there. Listen to your body and decide then.

I really love HST but HST and AAS really kicks a**!! And yes, I speak from experience!
Semi-related question: Once, an AA company sent me a couple of test patches in the mail, which I put on for a couple days. (I think it was illegal even then - several years ago) For about 3 days, I was superman. I worked 11 hours a day (carpentry!), worked out like a beast, and felt like finding me a woman those nights! There was no lag in effect; it was instantaneous. Now I wonder what was on those patches! It said testosterone.