Planning my first HST cycle but have only a barbell and dumbells.


New Member
I have a home gym with an Olympic Barbell,a Flat/Inclined Bench,Power Racks and Dumbells.Also have an Inclined Bench for abs.

Can you suggest a training program based on HST?

I was thinking of

Legs Squat
Legs Deadlift
Chest Incline Bench Press
Chest Dumbells Press
Behind Neck Barbell Press
Lateral Dumbells Delt Raise
Rear Dumbells Delt Raise
Bis Hammer Curls
Bis Barbell Curls
Tris Standing Dumbell Extensions (Behind Neck)
Back Barbell Rows
Calves Standing Barbell Raise
Shrugs Barbell Shrugs
Abs Inclined Bench Sit Ups (with a Dumbell behind neck changing weight each workout)

Did i forgot something?

Is it enough to do just one set for each exercise?
squat/alternated with deadlifts
do some bis/tris if you want,but imo thats enough,2x15,3x10,3x5.
What is b-o-r ???

How do you mean Squat alternating with Deadlift?

Monday Squat and Wednesday Deadlift and Friday Squat again?

If this is what you say i see a big gap between the Squat days.They may both train legs but quads are trained harder with Squat and back more with Deadlift.
What is b-o-r ???

How do you mean Squat alternating with Deadlift?

Monday Squat and Wednesday Deadlift and Friday Squat again?

If this is what you say i see a big gap between the Squat days.They may both train legs but quads are trained harder with Squat and back more with Deadlift.
deadlifts will work your legs enough dont worry.
I train at home and only have free weights, a power rack, a bench, a weight belt, db handles and a few O-bars.

Here are a selection of exercises that I can do with my limited gear:

Low-bar squat
High-bar squat
Front Squat
Lunges (bb or db)
Standing calf raise (on block holding heavy bb with straps)
Weighted jump rope (great calf blaster)
BB Clean (and jerk)
DB Clean (and jerk)
Overhead squat
Bench Press
Floor Press
Dips (weighted)
DB Flyes
Standing Press
Push Press/Push Jerk
DB Press
Upright Row (I use an EZ-bar for these)
Handstand Push-ups (against wall)
BB BO Rows
Kroc Rows
Pull-ups (weighted)
Pull-ups (kipping)
Chins (weighted)
Curls (db or bb)
Close-grip bench
EZ-bar Tri-extensions
Toes-to-bar (for abs)
Weighted sit-ups

There are many variations on these exercises too.

I tend to pick a handful of these movements, one for each main body part, and use them for a cycle. It's adds a little variety if you alternate between A & B workouts like Faz mentioned.


BB Press

DB Press

To this you can add arm and ab work as required.

It might help to have a look through the Simplify and Win thread (see link in my footer).

All the best.
Can you explain or give some links with pics of these exercises you mention?I don't really understand the difference between Chin Ups and Pull Ups.What is Kipping ???

Lunges (bb or db)
Floor Press
DB Flyes
Standing Press
Upright Row (I use an EZ-bar for these)
Handstand Push-ups (against wall)
Kroc Rows
Pull-ups (weighted)
Pull-ups (kipping)
Toes-to-bar (for abs)

Are these the only exercises you do for HST training(i mean the following A and B routines)?I don't even see anything about calves.

BB Press

DB Press

To this you can add arm and ab work as required.

Also i would like to comment for calves raise,you say you use barbell with straps.I have the barbell on shoulders,as in squat,but have stability problems.Do you have better stability with barbell in hands?
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You should be able to search on YouTube for videos of the different exercises.

As for stability for your calve raises, a lower center of gravity is better (barbell in hands).
Can you explain or give some links with pics of these exercises you mention?I don't really understand the difference between Chin Ups and Pull Ups.What is Kipping ???

Lunges (bb or db)
Floor Press
DB Flyes
Standing Press
Upright Row (I use an EZ-bar for these)
Handstand Push-ups (against wall)
Kroc Rows
Pull-ups (weighted)
Pull-ups (kipping)
Toes-to-bar (for abs)

Are these the only exercises you do for HST training(i mean the following A and B routines)?I don't even see anything about calves.


Also i would like to comment for calves raise,you say you use barbell with straps.I have the barbell on shoulders,as in squat,but have stability problems.Do you have better stability with barbell in hands? is a helpful site for exercise instruction. The small vids of each exercise are usually sufficient but do not always show great form for using heavy loads. You can always try YouTube, as Playskull suggested.

Start here:

I use all sorts of exercises for HST cycles but tend to stick to the basics most of the time and often use two simple A & B routines. I don't bother with much direct calf work anymore but when I did, I found holding a heavy bb (with straps) was easier to manage than with the bar on my shoulders. I used the uprights on my rack as guides: the bar would be just touching the uprights the whole time (which were protected with some thin strips of wood to prevent the bar scraping the paint off). Standing on a 4" block allowed for a deep enough stretch.

An alternative is to use a single heavy db and to do single-leg calf raises.

My current favourite calf exercise is weighted jump rope. I use my weight belt and then grip the plate between my legs so it doesn't swing around. Work up to using a 20/25kg plate. This is a calf murderer! :)