Please check my HST workout plan.


New Member
I am going to start HST next week. Please check my plan and if my choice of exercices and volume is okay:

Squat, 2 sets
Deadlift (Sumo), 2 sets
Bench, 2 stes
Calf Raises, 2 sets
DB Curls, 2 sets
Dips, 2 sets
Military Press, 2 sets
Bent Over Row, 2 sets
Pull Downs or Seated Row, 2 Sets
Crunches, 2 sets
Lateral Raises, 1 set
Shrugs, 1 set

Another question: For exercices like lateral raises my 15 rep max is about 25 lbs, my 10 rep max abou 32 lbs and the 5 rep 40. So there is not much difference and i can't increase weight every workout. Does it make sense to work with the 25 lbs for first two weeks etc.?
Don't do squats and deads in the same workout. Doing that three times a week is too much. Do Squats and Romanian Deadlifts instead or Squats and leg curls. If you are doing bentover rows then don't do seated rows, do pulldowns.
Don't do squats and deads in the same workout. Doing that three times a week is too much. Do Squats and Romanian Deadlifts instead or Squats and leg curls. If you are doing bentover rows then don't do seated rows, do pulldowns.

Ok. Thanks, I will correct that. But the number of sets and exercices should be okay?

Another question: For exercices like lateral raises my 15 rep max is about 25 lbs, my 10 rep max abou 32 lbs and the 5 rep 40. So there is not much difference and i can't increase weight every workout. Does it make sense to work with the 25 lbs for first two weeks etc.?
What about this question?
On single joint exercises where the maxes are rather close together, I usually concentrate more on increasing reps rather than weight. You can jump up a notch when you hit 18, 12 and 7 or 8 reps. Also, slow your eccentric tempo down to maximize TUT and effectively increase the weight that way. There are lots of ways to skin that cat. But, sometimes you just do max out for a while. Then it is time to switch up exercises. Or, better yet, stick with compound movements.
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Ok. Thanks, I will correct that. But the number of sets and exercices should be okay?

What about this question?

Just repeat increments. Overlap or zigzag is fine. So example, for 15 block you could do 15 15 20 20 25 25, then on 10s do 20 20 25 25 30 30, then on 5s do 30 30 35 35 40 40.
Thank you for your help. First workout will be on Monday. Thats the plan right now:


Is that okay? All values are reps or weight in kg. An I am still searching for a second leg exercise, as i don't really like romanian deadlifts or leg curls.
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