Please critque my HST routine


New Member

Could you guys critique my HST routine?..just getting back to working out..

Incline bench
Decline Bench
Lat pull-downs-wide grip(machine)
barbell rows
Military press
bent over dumbell lateral raise for rear delts
Triceps pushdowns using the rope
Single arm pushdowns

I do these 3x a week

Hi i'm no expert on hst as it is fairly new to me still, but i think you got too much volume in there.

No need for both inc and dec bench, just go for slight incline. No need for lat pulldowns, just do chins.
I would also remove the triceps iso's and just do dips.
No need for leg press, just squats.
All in all I would try and keep the workout to under 8 exercises, doing too many takes to long when you get into the 5's etc. Your energy levels will be zapped too way before you get to the end of your training session.

Have a look at the simplify and win thread, some good training programmes on there that hit every muscle group with compounds only. Am sure some of the other guys will chip in with some sound advice too.
As Rich says there's a ton of info for effective workouts in the S&W thread (link below).

Get some deads in your workout too even if you only do them once a week. Most feel it makes sense to hit your larger compounds earlier in the workout. Leaving squats till last may mean that you have to compromise your loads. I know some folks who like to do this though. Up to you.
Yeah, deadlifts are great to hit a bunch of muscles all at once, so you don't need to waste time on isolations.  I find they hit the trapezius, lower back, glutes and hamstrings harder than anything else all at once!  They even work the calves and abs!
p.s.- and forgot to mention forearms. Wow, no wonder deadlifts are HSTers favorite exercise, it may be the ultimate mass-builder!
thanks much's too much exercises come to think of it

so can I do like:

ATG Squats/Deadlifts-SLDL (Once a week)
Incline Bench
Chins (underhand wide grip)
Barbell Rows
Military press

Arms (supersets) if not tired..(once a week)

I'm also thinking of doing 15x2's, 10x3's, and 5x4's in number of that ok?

What are Pendlay rows?
Named after esteemed weightlifter Glen Pendlay.
Also you could call Pendlay rows "dead rows" as the weight is to be fully de-weighted on the floor between each rep. It hits the lats, erectors, trapezius, teres...a great exercise for the entire back. I actually hate doing Pendlay rows since they are a pain, and the strict form doesn't allow as much weight. But they are still my row of choice as they develop great back power.
Leigelord has developed an incredibly strong back and he can do pendlay rows with weights that is hard to imagine. The strength from these transfers over to deadlifts, power-cleans and snatches, and is why many powerlifters and olympic lifters often practice these type of rows as accesory work to the competitive lifts.
(bosbik @ Apr. 06 2007,00:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">thanks much's too much exercises come to think of it

so can I do like:

ATG Squats/Deadlifts-SLDL (Once a week)
Incline Bench
Chins (underhand wide grip)
Barbell Rows
Military press

Arms (supersets) if not tired..(once a week)

I'm also thinking of doing 15x2's, 10x3's, and 5x4's in number of that ok?

What are Pendlay rows?</div>
Looks like a solid, basic routine. It should serve you well.

That might be a bit high on the volume, but may work ok for you given the pared down routine. It's a bit of an individual thing, depending somewhat on work capacity.

For Pendlay rows, I like this link.
hey thanks for the great input guys!...I may go for less number of sets since volume doesn't count for HST