Please help me understand the following :)


New Member
Would very much appreciate it if someone could help me understand the following...

1) The ‘number of sets’ that should be performed for each mesocyle. As a newbie I’m confused about the apparent significance of the workout ‘volume’ (reps x sets) increasing with each mesocycle. Why is this important? I don’t recall it being significant in the original article.

2) I believe I understand the principle of progressive loading but to progressively increase the load over a 2 week cycle implies the beginning part of these cycles I will be working with a very light weight which I fear won’t feel heavy enough (with a fixed set of reps). Day 1 of the first two cycles (15’s and 10’s) I’m going to be shifting such a small amount of weight I fear I won’t get a workout. I will simply be going through the motions of the exercise for the hell of it. Is this how it is by design? Or am i missing something here?

3) It was said in the original HST article that the first cycle of 15’s could be dropped when the complete HST cycle is repeated. I see a lot of posts from new and experienced HST users implying they still use the first cycle of 15’s. If this serves to prepare new HST users for the hard work to come, can someone explain any benefits to repeating this first cycle?


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It's my understanding (and I'm speaking as an HST noob) that the amount of weight a muscle is subjected to is less important than increasing the load on each subsequent workout, and that the muscle fibers are reacting to the increases in weight and not the amount of weight. Also, because time under tension is also important, the first week of lighter weights can be used for nice, slow reps.
1) The ‘number of sets’ that should be performed for each mesocyle. As a newbie I’m confused about the apparent significance of the workout ‘volume’ (reps x sets) increasing with each mesocycle. Why is this important? I don’t recall it being significant in the original article.
Im sure, when we define volume, we are describing total weight moved.
I've not read it recommended, that volume should increase with each mesocycle. Perhaps you could post/link to your sources?

I've seen people trying to keep the volume constant troughout the cycle though. But I don't think this is necessary or even recommendable.

As weight is increased, CNS stress is increased. This, in turn, prolongs time-out for recovery.
But the thing is, it is recommended to retrain the muscle after ~36 hours. (48 in practice)

As you get closer to your 1RM, less volume is needed.
Hower more can be better, as long as you are able to recover.
Most commonly, i've read it recommended, at least for the first couple of cycles, to use:
1 set for 15's
2 sets for 10's
3 sets for 5's
I'd then recommend 2 sets for negatives.

This approach allowes for a decrease in volume, and is very close to the what HST recommends.
"HST suggests that you limit the number of sets per exercise per workout to 1 or 2. This is based on "some" evidence that sets beyond the first "effective" set do little more than burn calories"

2) I believe I understand the principle of progressive loading but to progressively increase the load over a 2 week cycle implies the beginning part of these cycles I will be working with a very light weight which I fear won’t feel heavy enough (with a fixed set of reps). Day 1 of the first two cycles (15’s and 10’s) I’m going to be shifting such a small amount of weight I fear I won’t get a workout. I will simply be going through the motions of the exercise for the hell of it. Is this how it is by design? Or am i missing something here?
I't does not matter how heavy the weight feels. Neither does it matter if you simply "go through the motions". If you watch TV while doing your set (currectly) it does not change the amount of damage caused to the muscle. Which is all that matters..
And yes, it is by design. After a period of deconditioning weights as low as 60% of your 1RM will be effective. This will not, and should not, feel very heavy. In general you should aim at increasing load as much as posible, for as long as posible, with each session having a significant change in load.
This, of course, is optimally done by stariting at the minimum effective weight. (60% of 1RM)
My reasoning for "as long as posible" is to decrease the SD frequency.

3) It was said in the original HST article that the first cycle of 15’s could be dropped when the complete HST cycle is repeated. I see a lot of posts from new and experienced HST users implying they still use the first cycle of 15’s. If this serves to prepare new HST users for the hard work to come, can someone explain any benefits to repeating this first cycle?
The point of the 15's, aside from what you read, and primarily, is restitution.
As I understand it, the high amount of lactic acid produced, as a result of the high (and slow) number of reps perfomed stimulate hormones with restilutional effects on tendons an ligaments.

Based on this, the 15's can be skipped only if you do not experiance any aches and pains.
I't does not matter how heavy the weight feels. Neither does it matter if you simply "go through the motions". If you watch TV while doing your set (currectly) it does not change the amount of damage caused to the muscle. Which is all that matters..
And yes, it is by design. After a period of deconditioning weights as low as 60% of your 1RM will be effective. This will not, and should not, feel very heavy. In general you should aim at increasing load as much as posible, for as long as posible, with each session having a significant change in load.
This, of course, is optimally done by stariting at the minimum effective weight. (60% of 1RM)
My reasoning for "as long as posible" is to decrease the SD frequency.

Must it really be 60% of 1RM? Can i do like, find my 15rm, 10rm and 5rm. Example, My 15rm is 100lbs
Is the below weight incremental correct?
Week 1-Mon- 50lbs
Week 1-Wed- 60lbs
Week 1-Fri- 70lbs
Week 2-Mon- 80lbs
Week 2-Wed- 90lbs
Week 2-Fri- 100lbs

After i finish the whole cycle(6-8weeks) After SD when i am about to start my HST cycle once more, should i retest all my 15rm, 10rm, and 5rm? Or should i just add 5-10lbs to my previous 15rm, 10rm and 5rm? example is my 15rm which is 100lbs should i add 10lbs to make it 110lbs or retest?
As I understand it, you can just add weight to all your RM's for your next cycle, or you can find your new 5-10-15 RM's before you SD.