Please HELP: What Should I Do?


New Member
Alright heres the problem.

First of all, Im a college student who has been training a number of years and just recently started my first HST training cycle, and I have to say that Im loving it. My lifts are great, full of intensity and power. The extra rest really goes a long way.

But the problem is that I just recently finished my first week of 15, and in about 3 weeks Im going home for spring break where Im being forced to have my wisdom teeth pulled.

The doctor said they didnt want me doing any kind of excerise because it might ripe the stitches in my mouth for at least three days. And I know for one of those days Im either going to be in some pain or drugged out of mind.

But sense I cant leave school until friday night, and I doubt anyone will take me saturday, I have to have the procedure done on monday, which means I cant lift until thursday! The worst part about this is, is that Im supposed to start my fives that week, start to really put on the weight and mass.

I need some help, what should I do? I cant reschedule my appointment until after my cycle, because I live in tampa but go to school in Atlanta, plus sadly my mom is making me get it done during spring break.

Any tips for this? Like do I hit hard week before, or after? Do I start a Whole new cycle? Hows this going to effect my progress?

Appreciate any advice
thanks everybody
^^^  What Quad said.

Just start up where you left off.  If it were me I personally wouldn't even worry if I waited until the next Monday to start up again.  You should be fine.  I had to work a few extra hours last week and it completely messed up my workout schedule but I'm not losing any sleep over it.  I'll just pick up where I left off next week.
these guys have it right. missing 1 week is not a big deal. remember the most important thing about your 1st cycle is to get thru it successfully. what you exper. in your 1st cycle (good and bad) will shape what your 2nd cycle and beyond looks like, dont cut it short.

good luck
I am getting my wisdom teeth out in today in approx 1.5 hours!

I just finished my 15's.

I am going to wait a few before I start tens.

I feel for you.
Wisdom teeth surgery is miniscule. Take a couple days off - it is not a big deal. Trust me, I have been sick at least once every cycle, or had something go wrong.