Please help with weight selection issues


New Member
So this is my first cycle using HST. I have done an enormous amount of research and found this program to be far superior to many others, so here I am. On to my questions.

The weight I selected for my 15s was done a few months ago and it appears that I have lost some strength due to my detraining or muscle atrophy. I have gone through my logs and I find myself struggling to complete the 15 reps on just workout #2. I honestly can't tell if it's because of severe lactic acid buildup in the muscles, strength loss, or both.

Should I continue with the weights I'm using or bring the weights down so I'm doing more of the struggling towards the latter part of the 15s? I'm assuming my strength will increase, so this may all be a moot point. Any help you folks can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
how long has it been since you trained,not being capable of lifting in your 2nd session with 4 more increases,IMO means you need to redo your maxes then start from that.