Please help!!


New Member
Hi everyone.

I live in finland and think that i'm pretty good at english but there were some small things i really didn't understand in this program. For example if my 15 rep max is 100 then i should work up to that weight in the next 6 workouts. Ex 50,60,70,80,90,100 and the same applies for the 10 and 5 rep maxes??

what is the point in this if I at the end of my 2*15 rep cycle am stronger and could lift the weight more the 15 times.

And how about when i start the next cycle, do I have o measure my 15,10,5 rep maximums again or?

if you train like this I think it's very hard to reach failure (perhaps a good thing) as you never really work with the maximum weight that you are able to lift (except perhaps on the last workout on every 2 week cycle)

I would be very pleased and happy if someone ried to ansver my questions.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For example if my 15 rep max is 100 then i should work up to that weight in the next 6 workouts. Ex 50,60,70,80,90,100 and the same applies for the 10 and 5 rep maxes??</div>

Quite right, same for 10's and 5's and then negatives, if you have a partner!

The point is simple to stay away from failure most of the time, you will eventually get closer and closer to failure towards the end of 5's and into negative territory, but hopefully that is only towards the last workout of each mini-cycle!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And how about when i start the next cycle, do I have o measure my 15,10,5 rep maximums again or?</div>

As you get to the end of each cycle you may find that you are stronger than your initial rep max, on that day you can find out how much more you can lift staying just short of failure, use that max for ytour next cycle.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">if you train like this I think it's very hard to reach failure (perhaps a good thing) as you never really work with the maximum weight that you are able to lift (except perhaps on the last workout on every 2 week cycle)</div>

You bet it is a good thing, it is the whole purpose of this program, to stay away from failure but to keep progressing throughout the cycle! That is what avoids R.B.E. (repeated Bout Effect) from catchng up with you and hitting your C.N.S. (Central Nervous System) too hard making it a problem to recover.

I suggest you dowload the FAQ e-book and read thorugh it, it will enlighten you about all this stuff!

Cheers hope this helped!
(Fausto @ Sep. 04 2006,15:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">ope

I suggest you dowload the FAQ e-book and read thorugh it, it will enlighten you about all this stuff!

Cheers hope this helped!
where can I find this e-book?
(Fausto @ Sep. 04 2006,15:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Can I ask a question please? This will be my second atttmept at HST and I think I understand it pretty good now execpt how difficult are the sets suppose to be when working up to the last failure set of the mini-cycle? It always seems like I am not working hard enough for the first week of the mini cycle and then the last couple of sets before the last sets are too difficult.


You bet it is a good thing, it is the whole purpose of this program, to stay away from failure but to keep progressing throughout the cycle! That is what avoids R.B.E. (repeated Bout Effect) from catchng up with you and hitting your C.N.S. (Central Nervous System) too hard making it a problem to recover.</div>
Can I ask a question on this please? This will be my second atttmept at HST and I think I understand it pretty good now execpt... How difficult are the sets suppose to be when working up to the last failure set of the mini-cycle? It always seems like I am not working hard enough for the first week of the mini cycle and then the last couple of sets before the last set are too difficult.

Thanks for any advice.
I thought the same thing, I'm pretty sure it supposed to be like this, the first week being easy, as part of progressive load is that in order to get progressively harder, you have to start easy, if that makes sense. As experienced lifters we're used to going hard every day, remember that the feeling of &quot;fatigue&quot; is mostly the CNS wearing out. I find lowering the rest periods makes the 2nd set much harder.
Peak got it right, that is exactly how it is supposed to be, that is why some of us go 3 sets first week, then 2 or even one set second week.