Please if you have time I would welcome your thoughts and opinions.


New Member
Okay so I finished reading "Ultimate Diet 2.0" all I can say is WOW!!! This is a great and very informative book. Even if you are not a Bodybuilder, or any type of athlete, the first six chapters would give any one an insight on how our bodies work and not be so easily swayed by some of these "miracle diets" or "miracle pills" that seem to be everywhere. I truly appreciate Lyle’s honesty, especially when it comes to bodybuilding. So based on this book, HST, and the many great contributions many people have made to this forum via their posts I have come up with the following strategy.</SPAN></SPAN>

As much as I would like to put on some more muscle, I REALLY would love to get rid of some more body fat. At this time, and to the best of my fat measuring abilities, I am at 13.5% BF. I would like to drop down to 10%. So I am going to give it go in the following manner. Of course as with any workout routine it is liable to change once it is implemented.</SPAN></SPAN>

Monday </SPAN></SPAN>
Training: Full body / 15rm’s / 3 - 5 sets per body part routine similar to what Lyle recommends for Monday.</SPAN></SPAN>
Nutrition: Cut calories, low cabs, </SPAN></SPAN>

Training: Depending on how my body feels, especially on the low cals and carbs, 30 – 45 of steady cardio, more then likely on Elliptical.</SPAN></SPAN>
Nutrition: Same as Monday</SPAN></SPAN>

Training: Full body / 10rm’s / 2 - 3 sets per body part </SPAN></SPAN>
Nutrition: Bump up Calories and carb intake a bit to just below Maintenance, add pre and post work out shakes with carbs and creatine.</SPAN></SPAN>

Training: Again depending on how my body feels 30 – 45 of steady cardio, once again on Elliptical.</SPAN></SPAN>
Nutrition: Same as Wednesday</SPAN></SPAN>

Training: </SPAN></SPAN>Full body / 5rm’s / 2 Warm Up sets (depending on body part) 1 – 2 Working Sets (again depending on body part)</SPAN></SPAN>
Nutrition: Bump up calories just above maintenance levels. Bump up carbs, lower fats.</SPAN></SPAN>

Training: None unless I happen to miss a workout during the week this would be the day to make it up.</SPAN></SPAN>
Nutrition: Same as Friday some refeed done here.</SPAN>
Training: None</SPAN></SPAN>
Nutrition: More like Wednesday and Thursday.</SPAN></SPAN>

This week I had to change things around. Since the gym was closed yesterday I ended up doing cardio. Today I did the Monday workout. Lyle was right after being calorie and carb low it was a bear, but I still enjoyed it, I had a garbage can near by just in case.</SPAN></SPAN>

Thank you for reading my long post, suggestions are always welcome as I am in the experimenting (training, nutrition etc.) phase.</SPAN>

Have a great day!
HST is about getting bigger muscles. UD 2.0 is about losing body fat. The human body isn't very efficient at doing both at the same time. You'd probably be better off alternating between approaches instead of trying to combine them. Good luck though!
If you want to do something like UD2.0, why not just do UD2.0 the way it is written?

I probably will do it eventually. I just wanted to kind of ease into it, if you know what I mean. I am hoping with a little tweaking, I can use this setup to drop to near 10% BF. After that, I will most likely have to do UD2 specificaly, if I want to drop any more.

HST is about getting bigger muscles. UD 2.0 is about losing body fat. The human body isn't very efficient at doing both at the same time. You'd probably be better off alternating between approaches instead of trying to combine them. Good luck though!

You are right. I was not hoping to necessarily gain any muscle but to preserve as much as possible. In some of the other Threads I read, one specificaly, it had a routine similar to this one, excercise wise anyway. I will will give it a try and see what happens.

Thank you for your comments and good wishes. Have a great day.
Re evaluating training and nutrition approach, thanks for the advice.

Okay, as I stated previously, this is a work in progress. Following your advice and a bit more research, I have decided to simplify things a bit. Rather then trying to re invent the wheel, I have decided to apply what is already working for others, and see if it works for me.</SPAN>

Again I am new to this so please if there is any suggestions I am all ears, or in this case all eyes.

Totentanz you got me thinking
</SPAN> I’m sure Lyle spent much time to come up with this system. If there was anyway to do simplify it and get the same results, I would think he would have come up with UD3.</SPAN></SPAN>

So based on some more research and post reading I have decided to do the following

Training: Follow HST as it is written, excluding the 15’s and doing only 10’s, and 5’s.

Nutrition: Drop calories below maintenance by 400 – 600 calories. Keep carbs low, but not too low, Protein High, Fats moderate

As far as supplements, this is probably not the proper place to post amounts and timing but I would like to post what I am taking to see if there is anything I should delete or add: Whey Protein, Creatine, Fat Burner, Fish Oil, CLA, Multi Vitamin, L Carnatine.

I appreciate every ones help and advice. I have tried to do as much research as possible so as not to waste anyone ones time. I know only time will tell, but I would like to at least head in the right vicinity if you know what I mean.

Once again thank you for reading.
Have a great day.

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