Please rate my 2nd HST cycle - too many exercises?


New Member
Hey folks, I had great success with my last HST cycle (Gained 10lbs after stalling for a long time, all lean and strong). I am starting my second cycle and was wondering what your opinions are on my exercise choices: M-W-F 15 X 2 weeks, 10 X 2 weeks, 5 X 3 weeks with 1 week of rest pause Squat (Squats and deads every day but alternating between 1 set and 1 set deads 2 sets squats, then alternate next training session) Dead Decline Hammer Bench (Shoulder issue) Incline Bench Close Grip seated Rows Wide grip seated rows Dips Chin Ups Straight bar curls Reverse Grip curls (to hit brach) Laterals (on light side, mostly to help heal shoulders over time) BB Shruggs Skull Crushers in that order I know it's a lot of exercises but the idea is to focus on the compounds primarily and more direct work on my chest and biceps to bring them up as they are lagging. For compounds it will be 1-3 sets and for isolation it will be 1-2 sets depending on how I'm feeling.
Hey folks, I had great success with my last HST cycle (Gained 10lbs after stalling for a long time, all lean and strong). I am starting my second cycle and was wondering what your opinions are on my exercise choices: M-W-F 15 X 2 weeks, 10 X 2 weeks, 5 X 3 weeks with 1 week of rest pause Squat (Squats and deads every day but alternating between 1 set and 1 set deads 2 sets squats, then alternate next training session) Dead Decline Hammer Bench (Shoulder issue) Incline Bench Close Grip seated Rows Wide grip seated rows Dips Chin Ups Straight bar curls Reverse Grip curls (to hit brach) Laterals (on light side, mostly to help heal shoulders over time) BB Shruggs Skull Crushers in that order I know it's a lot of exercises but the idea is to focus on the compounds primarily and more direct work on my chest and biceps to bring them up as they are lagging. For compounds it will be 1-3 sets and for isolation it will be 1-2 sets depending on how I'm feeling.
Sorry the formatting sucks, I had it laid out better when I posted it
i like your exercise selection but would definitely opt to split up some of the exercises and alternate them. something like...ASquats (Legs)Decline Hammer Bench (Chest)Close grip seated rows (Back horizontal)Chin ups (Back vertical)Laterals (Shoulders)Dips triceps version (Triceps)Straight bar curls (Biceps)Bbell shrugs (traps)BDeads (Legs/Back)Incline Bench (Chest)Wide grip rows (Back horizontal)Chins (Back vertical)Laterals (Shoulders)Skullcrushers (Tris)Rev grip curls or straight bar curls (Biceps) Bbell shrugs (Traps)I think you had a few too many exercises in your prior setup. I'd generally select anywhere from 5-8 exercises per workout, definitely 8 tops. What kind of shoulder injury do you have? Any chance you could throw in a compound shoulder exercise like some military presses? I definitely like your exercise selection. I am using a lot of the same exercises as you and have had a great experience with the above setup. P.S.- consider dropping the iso's in the 5s to decrease your workout time and increase your body's ability to handle the heavy compound loads. Simplify and win! Good luck!
i like your exercise selection but would definitely opt to split up some of the exercises and alternate them. something like...ASquats (Legs)Decline Hammer Bench (Chest)Close grip seated rows (Back horizontal)Chin ups (Back vertical)Laterals (Shoulders)Dips triceps version (Triceps)Straight bar curls (Biceps)Bbell shrugs (traps)BDeads (Legs/Back)Incline Bench (Chest)Wide grip rows (Back horizontal)Chins (Back vertical)Laterals (Shoulders)Skullcrushers (Tris)Rev grip curls or straight bar curls (Biceps)Bbell shrugs (Traps)I think you had a few too many exercises in your prior setup. I'd generally select anywhere from 5-8 exercises per workout, definitely 8 tops. What kind of shoulder injury do you have? Any chance you could throw in a compound shoulder exercise like some military presses? I definitely like your exercise selection. I am using a lot of the same exercises as you and have had a great experience with the above setup. P.S.- consider dropping the iso's in the 5s to decrease your workout time and increase your body's ability to handle the heavy compound loads. Simplify and win! Good luck!
dang i tried to post it twice in 2 different formats...didnt work. The "A" is the first workout. The "B" is where the second workout starts
Thanks Man

Thanks for the advice / break out. Would you be recommending a A-B-A-B alternating days? If so does that adhere to the HST principals of adding load at every workout within 36-48 hours? My concern would be that I wasn't doing the same exercise the next workout and may have a lighter load depending on the exercise used. That's why I didn't want to drop the deads / squats alternating rather lighten the volume alternating. I never did go see a doctor, but was doing incline bench ala Christian Thib starting at the strongest area in the movement in a squat rack and it was too heavy, felt a very sharp pain. Don't think my rotator cuff is torn (this was over a year ago) but can't do much weight with overhead pressing movements. Side laterals are ok, but not front.
yes i'd definitely stick to the A/B format. You can increase the loads in two following ways....hopefully the format comes out a little betterA- 75% of RMB- 80%A- 85%B- 90%A- 95%B- 100%And then starting the next mini-cycleB- 75%A- 80%B- 85%...and so on...Unfortunately with this format there will be some exercises that you will not max out on. I personally prefer the following...A- 80%B- 80%A- 90%B- 90%A- 100%B- 100%For exercises such as your back exercises, like chins and rows, which you perform each workout, rather than maxing out 2 consecutive times in a row, you can simply cluster the reps to avoid failure on the first workout and then on the final workout hit failure. For example, let's say your 15 RM for bb rows is 145 lbs. On your last A day when you're suppose to be doing 100% of your max, use the 145 lb weight but simply stop a few reps short of failure, which may be at 12/13 reps, put the weight down for 20 seconds, then finish the final few reps. Kind of a slight myo-reps type deal. I've found this to be very effective.