Pls Chek my Plan


New Member
i want to do these exercises:

military press
Bent Over Barbell Row

i want to no if this is enough, becaus i wanna train 6 or 5 times a week, but the training should be short !

Chin-ups are missing. Very important exercise for lats/biceps. Other than that you have the main staples. Dips might be another exercise you want to consider.
i wanna do every excercise 6days a week....
is it important to use dips and chin ups ? or can i change chin ups with barbell row?
Since training needs to be short and your frequency is high, split that into A&B workouts:

A: squat, bench, row, press
B: deadlift, dip, chin, press
I don't know if working every muscle 6x a week is such a good idea, growth continues for at least 36 hours, so training every 24 hours seems a bit unecessary, and a bit much.

Instead I would suggest 2 days train, then rest day, ideally day 1 in the morning and day 2 in the evening, so its exactly 36 hours between workouts.

You'll burn out slower with this than every 24 hours 6x a week.
Can be done, watch out for volume and split as much as possible so as to spread it out!

Liege's opinion is right on the money! Just eat BIG!
Can't tell if it is enough or too much without knowing the planned number of sets or cluster reps for each rep range.
40 reps per exercise? 8 sets of 5s?  
That's surely too much for deads and squats if not everything else, esp with that kind of frequency. But you may be juicing which would make more sense?  
hi, im natural, are 30 reps per exercise ok ?
i think in cluster u can do more reps, because ure farther away from failure, so u can train more often....

so is this ok?

bench press
military press#

30reps per exercise
6 times a week
Probably too much volume for everyday training when you hit the 5's. You may have to lower the cluster reps to 15 or 20.
(till101 @ Oct. 26 2006,15:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">hi, im natural, are 30 reps per exercise ok ?
i think in cluster u can do more reps, because ure farther away from failure, so u can train more often....

so is this ok?

bench press
military press#

30reps per exercise
6 times a week</div>
Since you only have 5 exercises, 30 reps is ok, but NOT 6 times/week. My opinion is to keep it to 3 days/week and keep the 30 reps/exercise. My reasoning is that even though you can train before fully recovering, I have found from experience I am much stronger when I work out three/week or even two/week. I tried 6/week once and it was terrible, couldn't use enough load for enough reps.
If you still insist on 6/week training then I would recommend dropping the total work output to 15 reps per exercise, 1 set of 15s, 1.5 sets of 10s and 3 sets of 5s.