Possibly time to cut?


New Member
I came from a lot of 5 rep workouts prior to finding HST. I have bulked up quite a bit although now for once in my life I actually am beginning to get a bit fat. Throughout most of my life it was easy for me to stay lean but it seems my body has changed a lot. I was wondering if I should do a cutting cycle after I finnish up with my first HST cycle. I will post some brand new pictures that I took today. Even though my webcam isn't the best quality I hope that it will do me justice.





You have pictures for everything quad. Funny stuff. You seriously think I should cut? I really need a better webcam mine is complete crap.
Two things. So many of the guys here find that earlier cutting is easier than the looooong cut that you and I will have to endure if we blow up and then decide to go down near the 12's like those skinny guys...
Second, there is some wild idea out there that when we bulk into the upper 20's or so, we accumulate more fat cells than we had before, and they have some sort of micronuclear force field that keeps them in place for the rest of our natural lives, whereby we shall always easily gain fat by the instantaneous expansion of these numerous gremlins at the very mention of digestible artifacts.
That means we'll always get fat easy.
I love bulking. I think the only way I can stand a cut is if I gain something in the long run like strength from a good program like a 3 x 3 or 5 x 5. As long as I can find ways to allways progress then I am fine. I do rather enjoy getting larger though. Just finnished my squats and my legs are getting a good rest while I am typing this up. Time for military presses though so I'll be back to check up on the forums in a bit.
Quad said gremlins

Dan, you may be a similar body fat percentage to me. You seem to store it slightly different (you have barely any love handles, but store more in your legs and neck than I do). Cut till you are happy with your body aesthetically, and then do a controlled slow bulk. From there you can build up all the strength you want.
Yeah I do believe that my lower half of my body was usually bigger before training but also carried what little fat I did store. Of corse that might have something to do with the fact that I used my legs a lot growing up between skating and BMX which I did for about 4 or so years I believe.
Bulking is great fun, which is why its time for you to cut. Its way more fun to bulk when you are lean. Bulking when you are already 'fat' is no fun, at least for me.
(DWhite2741 @ Jan. 17 2008,21:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I love bulking.</div>
Yup, everybody loves to eat. Lifting weights is only one side of body building -- disciplined eating is the other side.

For those who want to grow and put on muscle, power eating is a habit to be cultivated. For those who want to look sharp -- and let their hard earned muscles show through all the fat -- careful diet control is a must.
Actually, I just did bulk a bit at a point where I should have been actually cutting; but suffer from bigophobia and wanted to try it anyway.
What seems to happen here is despite the higher weights lifted and caloric surplus, the fear of fat is real and the bulk is held back a bit - and no real muscle accumulates while fat piles on anyway. At least in my present experiment. The answer may just be what most of the guys say: go ahead and cut so you can really do a proper bulk. But a slow bulk, giving you less fat gains also gives less lean mass and you're back to the old argument of which is best.
Tom Venuto and Hugo Rivera come to mind. If only I could get my schtuf together and diet!