Post 5's/Negs Problem


New Member
Being doing 2 weeks of 5s/negs, 2x3 days a week, 1 set per exercise and a drop set to finish each body part. Have been noticing that this week I have been hitting failure on the 4th rep on most exercises, and not getting as many reps on my drop set compared to the first week.

Is it normal not to gain strength (or even lose it) during the negatives/5s/ stage because of the high intensity and frequency of workouts?

Keeping my diet really well (eating everything that moves 6 times a day). Stress levels are in check, sleeping well every night. All factors are the same.

for some unkown reason your body is telling you to take a break.
sorry, but sometimes simplicity is best.
before I started HST, I would experience weeks of what you describe.
the only solution was OVER REST.
The funny thing is though that I'm not feeling any of the other effects associated with overtraining. I've only been doing this cycle for 6 weeks. (This is my second HST cycle)
Smothing tells me you have left the 15's out!

Could that be the reason?

I'd side with Dr. Pierre without a doubt!

Time to SD!

Next time around include 15's, even if just for a week, so that your body is better prepared!
Hi Fausto. Could you please explain why the 15s would prevent possible strength loss in the post- 5s? I understand that the 15s are supposed to help with joint preparation etc, but the FAQs say that the 15s can be skipped if there is no probs with joint soreness etc.

This cycle my strength increased by leaps and bounds.
e.g. (chins bw+17lbx5---->> chins bw+55lbx5)
(dips bw+22lbx5--->>> dips bw+100lbsx5)

During the 5s I was able to increase my poundages a lot.
However, like I stated before these 2 weeks of negs/drop sets haven't seen a one pound increase in weight, and have resulted in a decrease in the reps.

I was going to find my new rep maxes this week. WHat would you advise I do in this case?
Those are great strength increases, WOW, 78 lbs on your dip. Nice work on the weighted chins also. What's your body weight?

The loss of strength probably means it's time to SD.
(tocamjapan @ Mar. 19 2006,03:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hi Fausto. Could you please explain why the 15s would prevent possible strength loss in the post- 5s? I understand that the 15s are supposed to help with joint preparation etc, but the FAQs say that the 15s can be skipped if there is no probs with joint soreness etc.

This cycle my strength increased by leaps and bounds.
e.g. (chins bw+17lbx5---->&gt; chins bw+55lbx5)
      (dips bw+22lbx5--->&gt;&gt; dips bw+100lbsx5)

During the 5s I was able to increase my poundages a lot.
However, like I stated before these 2 weeks of negs/drop sets haven't seen a one pound increase in weight, and have resulted in a decrease in the reps.

I was going to find my new rep maxes this week. WHat would you advise I do in this case?</div>
After seeing your massive gains in strength numerically quantified, I woul dsay your body is definitely screaming &quot; I NEED A BREAK&quot;