power cleans


New Member
I've started to include power cleans in my workout, but I've found it impossible to do 15 or even 10 of them with good form. So instead I've been doing three sets of five power cleans throughout my entire cycle of 15s, 10s, and 5s. I gradually increase the weight throughout the cycle, currently from 135 during the 15s to 165 or maybe 170 during the 5s. Does this seem like a decent strategy?

Here's my workout, inspired by the simplify and win thread:

A                               B
squat (atg)                deads (overhand hook grip)
bench                       standing overhead press
chins                         BB rows
power cleans             dips

naiveguy (54, 6', 195, about 11% bodyfat)
naiveguy, that seems like a perfectly good way to add cleans in to your routine.

Having experimented with cleans for a few cycles myself, I think another workable approach is to do them Max-Stim style with M-time between reps: at the start of the cycle, when the load is lightest, use a shorter, almost constant, M-time between reps; as the cycle progresses and the loads increase, start to increase the M-time between reps. This way you should be able to maintain your form for all reps.

If you do any hang-cleans, sets of 5 dropping to sets of 2 or 3 over a cycle makes more sense than stopping between each rep.

All the best.
Hi Lol,

Thanks for the interesting ideas--maybe I will try a max-stim approach to cleans in my next cycle.
