Prioritizing BodyParts

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alek
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Basically, I have some bodyparts I'm already satisfied with, some that I'd like to grow further.

In my case arms I'd like to ultimately grow another 2 inches... and legs, chest/back are fine as is. With maybe chest needing just a bit more.

Would you HST only certain parts?

- For example, keeping legs, back, shoulders static... Just always exercise them at the 10-rep range, 90% of failure... Every week. So no weight progressions, no rep-changes, no SD.

- Only HST biceps/triceps/chest

How does that sound?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Would you HST only certain parts?</div>

You can ultimatelly do anything you want as no one is holding you to anything, but no...essentially I would play around with volume, doing more sets for the parts I want better development for, this however is strictly my opinion and may differ widely from the rest of the &quot;gang&quot;!

Ther are many things you can do in fact, but to me I'd simply pursue those I want to grow more strictly than the rest, that could be more volume or more strict progression or both!
Yeah i know, that's why i'm asking about this solution. I like a simple life KeepItSimpleStupid strategy.

If I ask how to adopt HST to prioritize certain parts, I'd get 23921 different opinions lol. Too much complexity.

I'd rather use the simple option that gets 95% of the benefit, than one that gives optimal results but takes 5 years to dial in.

Anyway, I guess I'll just go ahead and do it. After I finish my 5s this cycle, I'll just stagnate on those poundages with those muscles. And only HST the priority parts.

Experimentatio never hurt no one