Problem with the frequency


New Member
Hello everyone!

I'd like to know what (in your opinion) is the best way to set an HST program, if I have an approache to the gym only on these days ( (+) stands for a day i can train, and (-) stands for day which i can't):

sunday +
monday +
tuesday +
wednesday +
thursday +
friday +
saturday - (yet I *can* improvise something in my home, though it'll be hard to calculate the proper weights)

sunday +
monday +
tuesday +
wednesday +
thursday -
friday -
saturday -

this is on the course of 2 weeks (this is because I'm spending 1 week @ my home and I can go to the gym - though on saturdays not, and 1 week I'm in the army - and on thursday / friday / saturday the gym there is closed).

thanks in advance!!!
Hey isr-rcl,

well week one you can lift as much as you like. There are different ways to do it. I think they are outlined on the customizing HST thread. If you have a few years of lifting under your belt a am/pm routine 3 days a week is a very good approach. You could do this week 1.

Week two is the issue. How about Sunday am (ouch) monday pm then anytime (or twice) on wednesday. That would work for week two. Or if sunday am is difficult. Anytime on Sunday, Tuesday am and Wednesday pm. That will get you 3 workouts a week with the needed rest.

good ideas... problem is I can train only in the evenings...

btw - I think I'm going to be the first HST trainer in israel!
Ok, tell me what you think. I was able to come up with this:

sunday - evening
monday - rest
tuesday - morning
wednesday - evening
thursday - rest
friday - morning
saturday - rest
sunday - morning
monday - evening
tuesday - rest
wednesday - evening
thursday - rest
friday - rest
saturday - rest

and repeating from the beggining...

so, what you all think?