problem with the leg workout


New Member
hello guys!

I feel tired and nauseated when I try to train the whole body in one training session, especially as training to failure. If I start training the upper body, the leg workout is deficient. On the other hand, if I start training my legs, I'm exhausted and the rest of the workout is not good. My current routine is so (2x15, 2X10, 3X5):

A / B
squat / deadlift
stiff / leg-curl
calf raise
bench / incline
row / pushdown
press / db press
curl / W
close-grip bench / Skrull

In previous cycles I neglected the leg workout, but it is a 'New Year's resolution' to train them right. I'm thinking of splitting the routine into AM / PM, as follows:

squat / deadlift
leg press
stiff / leg-curl
calf raise

bench / incline
row / pushdown
press / db press
curl / W
close-grip bench / Skrull

What do you think? There is another way to solve my problem?

If you’re playing catch-up on your leg work you could also consider cuting out the Leg Press, Leg Curl, and it looks like SLDL. Just stick to Squat and Dead Lift or Squat and SLDL and maybe only Dead Lift once a week. Also, IMO no need to Shrug or do Calf Raises on days you regular Dead Lifts if you are using much weight. Once your legs have been through a cycle then you might want to add some more but for now I would keep it simple.

Squats and Dead Lifts will beat the crap out of you even when you are use to them when you’re not it’s a whole other world of pain.
Yup, cut out the fluff exercises, and don't go to failure.

Failure is not a necessary element of hypertrophy training. Not only does it not help you to grow, it can actually hinder you by frying your CNS.
What do you think? There is another way to solve my problem?


A couple of ossibilities come to mind:

Do A/B on different days: do lower body Mon - Wed - Fri, upper body on Tues - Thurs - Sat
Cut out everything but the major compound lifts as you approach your max
I appreciate the tips.

Don't train to failure?

Yup, cut out the fluff exercises, and don't go to failure.

Failure is not a necessary element of hypertrophy training. Not only does it not help you to grow, it can actually hinder you by frying your CNS.

I was referring only to the end of each microcycle (15's, 10's and 5's), when to train to failure. All other workouts are sub-maximal.

If you’re playing catch-up on your leg work you could also consider cuting out the Leg Press, Leg Curl, and it looks like SLDL. Just stick to Squat and Dead Lift or Squat and SLDL and maybe only Dead Lift once a week.

Working the legs with only squat and deadlift, I will not focus more on the quadriceps and working under the hamstrings?
Schopenhauer said:
Working the legs with only squat and deadlift, I will not focus more on the quadriceps and working under the hamstrings?

If you do Straight Leg Dead Lifts you will work primarily your Hamstrings making a good counterbalance to Squats. If you lift heavy enough regular or sumo Dead Lifts will work out every muscle along the back of your body from your feet to your head, plus your abdominals and you’ll likely even feel in in your biceps. People aren’t kidding when they say you could feel the effects for most of the week.