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Hello everyone. I used to post here when this site first opened. I haven't been around in a long time as I was in college and was really busy. I need some advise. I have been using HST for years now with good success. As I have been just maintaining what I have, I have had no need to keep up to date, until now. I am not training my mom, as she almost died from a embolism, so now shes working out with me 3 times a week, plus doing cardio on the off days. I am looking for the best workout possible now and new research on what has changed since I have been gone.

I really appreciate either some links or examples.

My mom is overweight by about 70 pounds. She eats very well, but she did an aktins diet about 5 years ago. She lost much weight, but also muscle, destroying her matabilism. So now I am getting her to weight train to get more muscle to spark it up again.

When should she be doing cardio? How much? and what type?

What exercises she should include (all the compound ones)?

Man...I am going to attempt to answer that as I did some church health ministries specially directed at older people!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">When should she be doing cardio? How much? and what type?</div>

My opinion here is that she should do it on the days she is not weight training (please clear this up with the good doc first), however one needs to know how healthy she is and how far can she go (BPM) because of the embolism she had, although they may have been cause by a blockage somewhere and not necessarily a high BP problem.

So how much would depend on that! The type too, HIIT is darn good but may be too much for her in which case SS cardio is a better option. I'd suggest a good 1/2 hour each time.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What exercises she should include (all the compound ones)?</div>

Most people would tell you a variety of things, but here at HST and that includes my own opinion, we are all for compounds, they have the most &quot;bang for the buck&quot; and produce the best overall results.

We'll keep going after others also put in their opinions, lets see where this takes us!
(seemore @ Apr. 24 2008,10:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Start her off with walking and get her a heart monitor just to keep everything in a safe range.</div>
Check with both your mom and her doctor to see if she can do bodyweight squats. If so, then bit by bit add some handheld weights. Go Slowly...!