Progress so far (thanks Bryan)


New Member
I just wanted to let you guys know that HST is working wonders for me.
I am in my 2nd week of 10's and so far my results have been nothing short of amazing..
I am a newbie to working out so I expected better than average results..
I was working out with a 3 set 7 rep to failure program for about a month and half before starting HST.
Heres my results..
starting off

weight: 232 lbs
bf%: 28.7
waist: 42
bicep: 13.5


weight: 222 lbs
bf%: 22.4
waist: 40
bicep: 15

I have increased my bench by 75 pounds and I have NEVER had this much energy...

All in all I am very VERY happy with HST...And I cant wait to see the end results..

I would have listed calf, thigh, & chest Measurements but they have gotten smaller..Maybe because of the FAT around them..

I am shooting for 10-14% body fat...I know I have along way to go but This is the first time in my life I have ever commited to something like this..
Over the years I have really done alot of damage to my body and I am finally trying to do some healing..
Spent most of my childhood and young adult years as an IV drug user and was down to 125 lbs..terrible health, smoker, and Hepatitis C.
Got clean and ballooned up to 245 lbs..
Now I have quit smoking, started exercising, dont drink or drug (hadnt in 4 years come august 1st) , and have finally started eating right..

Just wanted to thank Bryan for putting up this website and giving people like me a little hope for getting into shape!!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Spent most of my childhood and young adult years as an IV drug user and was down to 125 lbs..terrible health, smoker, and Hepatitis C.
Got clean and ballooned up to 245 lbs..
Now I have quit smoking, started exercising, dont drink or drug (hadnt in 4 years come august 1st) , and have finally started eating right..</div>

I must commend you for doing this, it is a hard road, but once you have crossed it to the other side, there's lots of hope!

I and we are all glad to see first your honesty, then the results coming in fast, if you keep up with it, you could soon get to your targets!

Keep it up mate!