Progression by 2.5Kg to 5Kg or by percentage?


New Member
Again after reading several threads, I wonder how should we calculate load progression. Based on reference weight of 2.5Kg to 5Kg or based on 5% of 5RM?

Also I've read that this is somehow different from exercise to exercise, namely:
- For compounds, increments should be in +/- 5Kgs;
- In lower weights exercises (example lateral raises 5RM = 14kgs), 1 Kg increment should be fine;

Assuming this is true, I ask how should increments be. Example: 14kgs x 5% = 0,7Kgs. So, I'll do increments of 1KG every 2 workouts, or should I do increments of 2.5Kgs every 3 or 4 workouts?

Another different doubt: Do you think it would be fine to work 5 or 6 days per week during the 15's (duly splitting the exercises of course) and work 3 days per week during the 10's and 5's? This way, 15's would take only one week or so!

Again after reading several threads, I wonder how should we calculate load progression. Based on reference weight of 2.5Kg to 5Kg or based on 5% of 5RM?

Also I've read that this is somehow different from exercise to exercise, namely:
- For compounds, increments should be in +/- 5Kgs;
- In lower weights exercises (example lateral raises 5RM = 14kgs), 1 Kg increment should be fine;

Assuming this is true, I ask how should increments be. Example: 14kgs x 5% = 0,7Kgs. So, I'll do increments of 1KG every 2 workouts, or should I do increments of 2.5Kgs every 3 or 4 workouts?

Another different doubt: Do you think it would be fine to work 5 or 6 days per week during the 15's (duly splitting the exercises of course) and work 3 days per week during the 10's and 5's? This way, 15's would take only one week or so!


Any way you want to go about it would be fine as long as you progressively increase the weight.

Increments: start at a weight at least 75% of your max and try to evenly distribute the weight increments over the 6 workouts in that rep range.

Some exercises call for lower increments because the max load is pretty small. Like lateral raises for example. If 15kg is your max for 10 reps, 75% of that is 11.25kg. That only leaves 3.75kg difference. Is it possible to do .5kg increments? I don't know kgs. In order to split the difference between 75% of your max and max into 6 workouts you have to either increase by .5kg each session or up the weight 1kg every other session.

But say your squat is 115kg. 75% of that is about 86kg, leaving a difference of 29kg. If you squat every session, you could increase the weight evenly by 5kg every session. Or if you alternate squats with deads, increase by 10kg each set of squats.

That's how I go about it. I take my max, figure out what 75% of that is and divide the increments up between the sessions as evenly as I can.

Doing the 15s in 1 week would be okay. I really appreciate what the 15s do for me as prep work for the heavier sessions, but as far as hypertrophy gains 1 week of 15s vs 2 won't make a notable difference.
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Tks Whistledixie,

1kg is roughly 2 lbs. so my question is - with the lateral raises example - is it better to do 1 lbs increments every workout, or 2 lbs every 2 workouts? It stills small... After that and based on you experience, does this type of increment works?
Tks Whistledixie,

1kg is roughly 2 lbs. so my question is - with the lateral raises example - is it better to do 1 lbs increments every workout, or 2 lbs every 2 workouts? It stills small... After that and based on you experience, does this type of increment works?

From what I've read on this forum, I believe a bigger increments will be better for hypertrophy - so increasing 2lbs every 2 workouts may be more effective than 1lb every workout - even though both follow progressive loading.