progression/minicycles when doing the upper/lower HST


New Member
I tried to search for an asnwear on the forum, but coudn't really find one. My question concerns moving from 10 to 5 in case of doing upper/lower version of HST.Normally one is suggested to make 6 workouts (2 weeks) and move from 10reps to 5reps. Unluckily for me the Full Body version of HST was a bit too much, and I decided to do the upper/lower version, 3 times a week. Should I stick to rule of progressing after 2 weeks, or should I change rep range after 6 workouts of lower and 6 workouts of uppers (which would mean doing 4 weeks).Thanks in advancePawel ;-)
thanks ;-) I decided not to use my A/B but the one from from SIMPLIFY AND WIN! So I hope that within next 7=8 weeks I'll become one of HST winners ;-)if I may use this thread to ask another question, do you think that alternating between Underhand Pullups and Overhand Rows in A/B is ok or would you rather go with both exercsises done in same way (both underhand/both overhand), or it doesn't really matter?
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It doesn't matter. One will hit the lats more, the other the middle back more. If you need more work on the lats, do the rows underhand as well. But it won't make a huge difference at this point.