Progressive Load in Chin-ups/Pull-ups


New Member
I was wondering for those who are doing chin-ups/pull-ups as a part of ur HST routine, how do you go about applying the concept of Progressive Load? Do you just vary the number of reps or do you also add more weight in addition to your body weight?

I weight around 148lb right now and can do a decent number of pull-ups, but was wondering how to incorporated that into my HST routine. Thanks for your help!
Hey Zipper,

Get hold of a weight belt/rope/chain or anything you like that will allow you to attach some extra weight for chins/pull-ups. Then work out your 15, 10 and 5RMs so you can calculate your increments for each mesocycle. During the post-5s, you can use your 5RM load plus a bit more and do negatives; use a load that will allow you to do 2 good regular reps and then do several sets of 5 negs. Also during 5s and post-5s, it's a good idea to do some metabolic work so you could add in a set of bw chins after you've done all the heavy reps.

For a long-term challenge, try to work up to a bodyweight+bodyweight single. It can be done, especially if you are a smaller framed person.

A weight belt is also a great way to add weight to dips.