Progressive load


New Member
I was thinking about progressive load, for example:

If my:
15rm = 50kg
10rm = 60kg
5rm = 70 kg

It means when I have done my 15reps weeks and hit my 15rm (50kg)
then when I'm starting my 10's my first workout in the 10's my workweight
would be 45kg (75% of 60kg), right?
But in that case I am decreasing the weight from 50kg (last 15s workout) to 45kg (first 10s workout), it's like a tiny backcycle? Is that ok or what?

There are numerous posts and an FAQ entry on "ziggzagging" like this. If you set your increases and such up correctly, this will be minimized and shouldn't really be an issue. If you want, change the cadence of your movements to compensate
It doesn't matter. As long as you are starting at a high enough percentage of your RM and you are progressing over the course of your cycle, you will be fine.