Progressive Loading


New Member
Hello, my name is Matt and I am starting my first cycle of HST. I am sorry if this question is answered some where, I can not find it (it might just be to obvious and I just do not see it). In regards to the progressive loading for the exercises, do I do it for every single exercise. From bench, to DB curls, to dips, and to tricep extensions I add 5-10lbs to each workout? I just wanted to make sure of this, because I have a friend who thinks it is just for bench, military press, leg press and not for biceps or triceps or back.

Thank you for your responses,
Start at 75% of your rep max and progress 5% each workout for every exercise.

If you are in the 15s and your 15 rep max for curls is 50 lb.s, then start at 37.5 (or round) and progress 2.5 lb.s/workout for 6 workouts.

On the other hand, if you are in the 5s and your 5 rep max for squats is 500 lb.s, then you would start at 375 lb.s and progress 25 lb.s each workout for 6 workouts.
With db exercises you probably won't be able to use increments as small as 2.5 lbs (especially if you go to a commercial gym) so you'll have to repeat loads for a few workouts. Nothing wrong with that.