Prohormes on HST

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alek
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I'm just stocked up on the strongest dry gain prohormones available and wish to do HST on them... Now... here's how I managed to fit in a 2on/3off into the HST cycle.

The first 2/3 falls on the 15s being "enhanced", than 10s, and first week 5s naturall, then lastweek 5s and first week negs being "enchanced" than last week negs and SD being natural.

Its the only way I found to make a 2/3s fit back to back while preserving the rule that in the off period, there must be weight lifting.

Any better recommendations. Maybe I'm missing something, but this is the best I could come up with.
you got it! I would add another week of negs (or at least an additional heavy week) so you have two weeks heavy after "going off" This is important to try to hold on to your gains as much as possible.

I agree that you should lift heavy for at least two weeks after you go off (which, with SD, would put you at 3-4 weeks off before starting again, which isn't a bad thing). In my opinion, I wouldn't use the prohormones during the 15's.  I think you could get a lot more out of them by using them just during heavier training.  This is what I would do with a 2/4 program. It wouldn't have you on during the 15's and it would give about 4-6 weeks off, for even more HPTA recovery:
15-Off-get tendons ready
10-ON, increase volume
5-ON, increase volume
(then repeat starting with 10's)
Bob: Thanks man appreciate

Concilator: That would effectively kill the point of 2/3 which is to serve as a way to have short natural periods which are long enough to act as a replacement to nolva or something to that extent, but short enough that you're very soon attacking growth with hormones. Atleast that was my understanding of the 2/3. Might be totally wrong.
Some guys take more than the recomended amout.
Even Double.
Sure some risks go up. But with PH it is obviously lower than with AS. So you might just want to do one effective cycle. Just a thought. So not longer just more.

Well, the risk of PH's compared to AAS depends on what prohormones you are taking. I hear of a lot of guys getting far worse sides with M1T, for example, than with straight testosterone.

What PH's are you planning to use? I think the short cycles idea could work, but I wouldn't do it with prohormones. In my research, it seems most prohormone users are disappointed by the results they get, compared to what they are looking for. You'd be better off using test prop, or something like that, if you want to run a short cycle.

Or just do a long cycle and use HCG like Conciliator suggested. HCG will make recovery very easy when you use it throughout the cycle.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Dec. 17 2005,8:16)]Well, the risk of PH's compared to AAS depends on what prohormones you are taking.  I hear of a lot of guys getting far worse sides with M1T, for example, than with straight testosterone.
Good point. The methylated orals are very harsh on the liver and cholesterol levels. This is also true for newer designer steroids/prohormones like Superdrol, Pheraplex.  Transdermal 1-T and 4-AD seem to have a very good cost-to-benefit ratio, though they sure are a pain in the @ss to apply.
I've got superdrol and ergomax lmg.

So is there no way to make this 2/3 thing work with prohormones? What I was hoping, planning to do is to make it a long-term plan... Like a 2 year HST plan (with breaks included ofcourse)... Not a few big cycles here and there.

I was especially liking the idea of making it like a natural, background thing... if ya know what I mean. Just something that stretches all the way in the background. Not like a big project you once every 2 months.
Actually... I am considering doing the 12 week version.

BUT HOW do you fit that in with HST? (i'm currently midway thru SD)
Both the Superdrol and Ergomax LMG have significant side effects. Reading the reviews and feedback give one cause for serious concern. I don't think you'd want to be on cycle for 8-12 weeks for that reason alone, regardless of the suppression. I still think the best way to run it would be to go for 2-3 weeks at a time during the end of the 10's and the start of the 5's, each cycle. Then give yourself a good 4-6 weeks to recover, both your HPTA and your liver.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Alek @ Dec. 18 2005,1:35)]Actually... I am considering doing the 12 week version.
BUT HOW do you fit that in with HST? (i'm currently midway thru SD)
If I were going to run an 8-12 week cycle, I'd start it on the 10's and run it through the 5's, just repeating each weight for a week or so.  Supraphysiological testosterone (or androgen) levels nearly obviate the need for progressive poundages.  So instead of using each poundage for only one or two workouts, use it for a week or two. Then finish up with PCT starting with the post 5's for another 2-3 weeks.  Since strength will likely have gone up, you should be able to get some good progression during PCT since it's starting at your old 5RM.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Conciliator @ Dec. 18 2005,3:23)]I still think the best way to run it would be to go for 2-3 weeks at a time during the end of the 10's and the start of the 5's, each cycle. Then give yourself a good 4-6 weeks to recover, both your HPTA and your liver.
So your recommendation comes out to about one prohormone cycle per one (within one) HST cycle. Sounds quite reasonable and practical.

Is PCT required still in this manner? I can't get any.
It would be better if you had nolva, but for a 2 week cycle you should be ok without it. The whole point of such a short cycle is to limit natural shutdown. If you're in the US you should be able to get some though.

I would get some milk thistle for your liver for the weeks that you're on on the prohormones. Evidence exists that milk thistle may be hepatoprotective through a number of mechanisms: