Proposed HST programme; AM;PM split


New Member
hey guys. this is my proposed AM;PM split to start 13th jan. going to be eating about 3000kcal for first 2 weeks, im about 172lbs at moment, not eating shed loads of cals either. will be posting my results.

let me know what you guys think. i thought the programme below will let me concentrate on hard ensity workin the morning and then isoloation type work in the evening. shakes pre and post for both.

what does anyone suggest for days off too? im planning 3 x week only, 2x15's,2x10's, 3x5's + SD weeks.

AM PM split

AM – Heavy compound movements

DB Bench press
Bent Over Row
Lat Raises
Lat pull Down
Rear Delt Raises

PM – Isolation movements

Tricep Pulldowns
Seated Incline DB curls
Lying Tricep Extensions
Barbell bicep curls
Cable crunches

let me know.....
I'd add a standing press to your AM w/o and drop the lateral raises. Also, I'd add in weighted dips. Use weighted chins once you can get enough reps in preference to pull-downs. If you can't get the reps you could always do them Max Stim style or cluster to get your required rep count.

Make sure your squats are ATG if at all possible.

Too many arm isos for the PM w/o. Just do a single bi and tri exercise. Why not add in some form of calf raise? And you could do your rear delt raises in the PM too.
Looks kind of good actually. You do realize it's going to take a lot of time in the gym though don't ya?

Here's what I did that took 4 hours/day. Often I split it up into AM and PM workouts myself.

Squat, SLDL (same weight as squat), Row, Bench, Overhead Press, Cable Crunch.

Conventional Deadlift, Leg Extension, Good Morning, Calf Raise, Shrug, Curl (wide grip barbell), Skull Crusher.

All done HST style with 2x15, 3x10, 5x5, 5x5.

It was worth 30lbs for me but took a lot of time and energy. At the end, I was bigger, stronger, better, but worn completely out from overtraining after 2 cycles even though the second one had less sets each workout. I wouldn't reccomend it with the "normal" testosterone level of a 37 year old man which is what I was working with (and had to have medical assistance to have that level). I simply couldn't recover from it. Someday in the future, I'll repeat it with an a-bomb kickstart for a cycle of test, deca, and slin to see if I can recover from it that way.

Am I reccomending it? No. Will it work? Yes.
cheers guys.Vagrant; a-bomb? think ive seen that supplement. can you give me the low down? what other things can you suggest. and an explanation of deca would be cool. links too.

cheers chaps
Dude, I'm not suggesting them. Just telling you how tough HST is to recover from if you are doing it 4 hours a day without assistance. Yeah, I did it without the drug cycle and gained very well...then nearly died from my efforts, got hurt, overtrained, worsened my CNS problems.

All I was using was test injections from the doctor each week to bump me up to a normal level for my age. I had some endocrine dysfunctions that were keeping my level too low and had to have TRT. Normal for my age simply wasn't enough for me to recover from that kind of training cycle.

If you have a test level of an 18 year old, or better, then the big training cycle will probably give you good results without half killing you. If you are older, like I's probably not the best idea.