Protein and cutting


New Member
When cutting, do I need to consume the same amount of protein as when I was bulking in order to preserve as much muscle as possible? or eating less calories will only naturally mean less protein and not to worry about it??

My goal is to lose about 10 pounds of fat around my gut for the summer season but hopefully not much muscle that I put on over the winter...Thanks..
(SoxFan @ Mar. 17 2008,18:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">When cutting, do I need to consume the same amount of protein as when I was bulking in order to preserve as much muscle as possible? or eating less calories will only naturally mean less protein and not to worry about it??

My goal is to lose about 10 pounds of fat around my gut for the summer season but hopefully not much muscle that I put on over the winter...Thanks..</div>
When you are cutting, you need a minimum of .7 gram of protein per pound of body weight in order to conserve muscle. I usually figure at least 1 gram per pound of body weight just to be on the safe side.

You also need to lift regularly and relatively heavy in order to maintain your hard-earned muscle.
Lyle Mcdonald's Rapid fatloss handbook is nice little gem that covers a diet of mainly nothing but lean protein. It works excellently at shedding tons of bodyfat while maintianing muscle mass.
I don't worry about protien when bulking, its when cutting that I have to struggle to keep protein adequate while restricting calories.