Protein/Carbs during w/o


New Member
Ok so it kind of about nutrition but its during w/o so I thought it best in this section. Anyway..

what are you guys thought? I thought maybe getting some protein in early with some simple carbs to aid energy towards the end of the w/o. Any of yous do this?

(I dont think I'd take too much as I once had a big shake before a w/o and almost threw up)
are you serious?id blow chunks if i ate anything during a you def dont need to eat while training just some good carbs before and a good protein/carb meal after,or a shake which ever.
Usually it's recommended to take 1g carbs per kg bw and abt 0,5g carbs per kg bw after wo.

Newer reserch also concludes that a myse (whey) shake before wo will boost your protein synthesis far more than just taking protein/carbs after training. It's said that it might also have a fat buring effect as well.

My recommendation is: A whey shake before training and a carb/protein meal (/shake) right after the WO.
I usually take a protein shake about 30 mins before w/o and the a full on shake after. I just thought a consistent amount (however small) may be beneficial.

I guess if you've had one before it doesnt matter too much.